A Miracle

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Art done by @SystemEx1 on twitter!! Go follow them!

Thank you guys so much for 100 views! It means so much to me, and thank you for the votes. :)

I tried to match Zak's real world personality with the book, please let me know if there's anything I got wrong.


This was before Zak's cardiac arrest. He is still in the coma.

-Zak's POV-

I somehow knew I was in a coma. I could hear everything going on. I could here the doctors talking. But it all seemed so far away. But I couldn't see anything. My vision was completely black, and it felt like I was paralyzed, unable to move. It's like I was trapped in my own body. I had figured out what happened to me, why I was in this coma. When I pushed Darryl out of the way of that car, I was the one that got hit, and I guess something happened to my brain which led me into the state I'm in now. 

I was glad that I wasn't one of those people, the ones that lose all of their memory in situations like this. I remember my family, that I have friends, and that I am a popular youtuber with the channel name of Skeppy. I remember everything as it was before. It was the first thing I checked when I was suddenly aware of everything around me. 

I wondered how in the world am I conscious if I'm supposed to be in a coma. Well, not really conscious, but aware. I can think and hear. But as far as I could tell, everyone thought that I was unconscious. 

It made me really uncomfortable, and it was really frustrating just listening to the people around me and not being able to actually physically do anything.

Especially when I heard Darryl come in. 

I was in shock. Why would he come? I was so sure that he wouldn't come and visit, because he was probably still mad about the server. I could feel my heart breaking just thinking about that moment. I still thought that what he said to me was right. I am a horrible friend. Regardless, I still cared for him, and I couldn't just watch him get crushed by a car. So I did. I deserved it anyway.

I heard a nurse show him my room and him quietly saying thank you. I wanted to get out of the bed and hug him and speak to him and apologize a million times to him. It was frustrating, I tried to move, talk, open my eyes, do anything, and I just stood there, on the bed. I wish I could at least do something so he could know that I knew he was there. 

I heard him call someone. I couldn't hear the other person on the line. I waited, hoping maybe I could somehow figure out the person he was talking to. Then all of a sudden I heard him crying, I'm pretty sure.

"It should've been me. It should've been me. It should-d h-have been m-meeee...." he wailed.

"I-I'm so sorry I-I swear.."

Hearing him cry like that, hearing his voice so heartbroken and full of guilt, made me want to cry so much. I itched so much to get up and hug him, at this point the state I was in was driving me crazy. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault, and that he had every right to be mad at me. 

"Yes, but he's in a coma. We don't know if he will wake up. At least that's what the doctor said." I heard Darryl say.

Then I heard the call hang up, and Darryl crying. I'm sure if my body was working, I'd be crying with him. 


I just lay there. It's not like I could do anything else. The only thing I could was think. So I did. I was just there, sitting there in my own thoughts, until I heard Darryl speak.

"Zak, remember when you applied as staff for my server for a video just to troll me? That was the time where we started our friendship. I remember I was so mad at you, while you were just laughing."

I remembered that time. I would've smiled and laughed if I wasn't, you know, paralyzed. This was the most frustrating thing I've ever been through, just having to sit still, and not respond to anything, while the guy he lik- his best friend recalled good memories of them. Which led me to another thought. Why is he here? Didn't he say he never wanted to see me again? I'm pretty sure I even recall him even saying a death wish to me-

"Oh! Remember when we won Minecraft Monday for the first time? Those were fun times.."

It was hard to forget that. When Darryl said "I love you" and "I wish you were next to me, I'd kiss you right now!" I had been silent, partly from shock of us winning, and when I heard him say that, I silently started laughing and blushing, grateful at the time that my face-cam wasn't on.

I wanted to scream, to be able to tell my friend that I could hear him, and that I want him to forgive me, and that everything he said about me was right. I wanted to hug him. Because what else was I supposed to do?

I deserve to die anyway.

And then all of a sudden, I swear, I thought I heard a voice that said "It's time to wake up"

And then I was actually unconscious. Like a normal person would be.


Back to current time

-Darryl's POV-

I woke up, it couldn't have been more then 10 minutes. I looked around and I was sitting on a chair in the waiting room, at least I think it was. A thousand questions popped into my mind as I thought about what had just happened. I rushed to find Dr. Bald.

"Is he okay?" I asked when I found him. He was outside Zak's room,  but I couldn't see Zak because the curtains were closed.

He looked dazed and astonished.

"I-it's a miracle.." he said.

"What is? What happened?" 

"Go look yourself.." he replied.

I gave one hesitant look to the doctor as I walked toward the room. I opened the curtains and there I saw Zak awake, lying in the hospital bed.


1131 words

AHAHHA sorry for all the cliff-hangers! Thank you guys so much for the votes, reads, and everything! Shoutout to SystemEx1 for making the fanart at the beginning of this chapter for the story!

See you guys! Next chapter out tomorrow, or day after that.

vote or die tomr

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