Chapter 5.-The super fight.

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The rains were still in the city, no doubt it was a problem. Again, Yuuki was scolding Yuna for not bringing an umbrella or coming in a taxi or something.

Eugeo and Kirito were dry as usual. To be a good friend to his new friends, Eugeo had brought a towel for Yuuki, who always ended up sacrificing herself for her good friend.

-Thank you, how thoughtful you are. -Yuuki said.

-It was nothing, you would do the same for me. -Eugeo affirmed, to which Yuuki nodded.

Kirito was at the entrance to the parking lot, waiting, inert under a tree with an umbrella over his head.

No one was expecting what he was expecting, or rather, who he was expecting.

When the gate opened he got a little excited. His heart rumbled twice, feeling the air escape from his chest. It was teacher Asuna's car.

When he finished parking, Kirito walked over to the car, pretending to be surprised. Asuna had her own umbrella, but Kirito was a very smart boy, maybe even smarter than the teacher herself.

-Let me help you, please. -She said from the window, opening the door and covering it with her umbrella, even if he wet his left shoulder.

-That's helpful, you sure you're not doing this to get extra stitches? -asked Asuna, sceptical of the boy's extraordinary kindness.

-Not at all. -She said. -I'm doing it to get your attention a little. -She imagined I was telling her.

Kirito was a very unpleasant and apathetic person. He always talked to himself. "That guy's an idiot." "I want to beat that bastard up." "I'm in love with teacher Asuna." Those were some of the things he said to himself.

Asuna opened her umbrella to cover herself, but not before thanking the boy for his concern.

-Hum, I see you wet your shoulder. You shouldn't neglect yourself for taking care of me, Kirito. -Asuna said.

-I never neglect myself, these are things I do on purpose. -He replied with some indifference. Though a little shoulder-wetting isn't neglecting me.

Teacher Asuna had boots on for the rainy season. She had clearly learned from her mistakes, something Kirito realised.

-Her boots are nice, teacher. They go very well with her blue trousers.

-You're very observant, hardly any man pays attention to such details.

-After a long time living with my sister and my mother... -I realised that to understand a woman, you have to think like a woman. But it's certainly very complicated sometimes.

Eugeo was talking to Yuuki and Yuna about Alice. The two of them could be his informants to find out if she had any "love interest".

-She's very pretty, honestly. They'd make a good couple. -Yuna said.

-But I realize you're a bit of a coward, why don't you go and find out for yourself?! -Yuuki pushed Eugeo to put him in front of Alice, who was passing by.

-Why did you do that?! . -Eugeo mumbled, who had been stiffer than a dead man when he saw Alice pass in front of him.

-Good Morning, Eugeo. -He greeted her.

-Good morning, Alice... -It's a nice day today, don't you think? -He asked.

-Well... -Did you look out the window? Alice approached Eugeo, taking him by the sleeve of her jacket to take him to one of the windows on the second floor... it was raining. -There's no sun, it's raining and it's very windy, is that a good day for you?

Falling in love with my teacher (KiritoxAsuna)Where stories live. Discover now