Chapter 33.-U-Curve

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The medals for the Adachi academy formed a total of ten, being little more than half of the games participated. Without a doubt, they deserved to classify with all of the law. Of those ten medals, four were thanks to Eiji and Eugeo, which few were not.

Officially the two of them would end their "manhood duel" on that occasion. The curious thing was at the moment of being practically ties. Two of gold and one of bronze. Something that annoyed them since their fight could not be declared over.

Yuuki had a silver medal and a bronze medal. Yuna and Alice were crowned with a gold one. Not bad for first timers.

The first of the three girls was a little depressed by the fact that she was the only one not to win a gold medal for teacher Asuna. However, Kirito showed his silver medal, something that left him in an even better position.

Professor Klein would take a picture of the six boys showing their medals, which hung from their necks as they smiled. He immediately sent it to teacher Asuna, who had already received the video of Kirito's fight.

Seeing him beaten and with that inflamed eye, when he fell, she clasped her hands, whispering with much concern in her voice "please don't get up." Just when the referee finished the fight, she sighed heavily, she was still worried until she saw him walk, putting his hands to her heart.

The reason why she did not want Kirito to get up, is because it was synonymous with continuing to fight, with being hurt. Every blow they gave her loved one she felt it on the surface and in her heart, suffering so much when she saw that martyrdom.

However, upon receiving the photo of everyone with their medals, she could not contain the tears of happiness, she immediately started a video call.

-Guys, come quickly, it's teacher Asuna! –The six friends got together with their teacher, answering the call.

She responded with those little tears of happiness in her eyes. -Hi guys, congratulations on getting so far.

-Thank you, teacher Asuna! -They all sputtered in unison.

-I want you to be here to teach them again ... but above all to see them and tell me how they did in the games.

Yuna took the cell phone from Klein and held it to her chest. -Teacher Asuna, I miss you a lot, a lot, please come here! -She cried.

-Control yourself, for God's sake!- Eiji scolded, separating her from Professor Klein's cell phone.

Asuna and the others couldn't contain a laugh at the girl's antics. Sure she wanted to be there, but she was barely recovering from her illness. The supplements would have to be taken yet another month to regulate her system. As for the rest, she didn't have much to worry about anymore, she was almost one hundred percent.

What the academies organized to celebrate the end of the games was a coexistence between students. The forest was not so snowy in the lower parts of the area where the hotel was located, so they would organize a small recreation event.

-Proof of courage? Is seriously? By God this is the most typical thing in this type of situation, what perhaps people ran out of creativity? –Kirito complained, taking a slap on the head from Yuuki.

-It may not be the most creative, but that does not mean that it is bad. Officially we all like it, although that is not the important thing. -SHe explained.

-And what can become "the important thing"?

-That they are going to quote us in pairs. It is rumored that when you really want something, the entire universe conspires to help us get it.

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