Chapter 25.-A letter of madness.

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Professor Klein, Yuna and Kirito were in the hospital waiting room. Asuna had been admitted to the "Emergency Room" because of the surprise of her fainting, she had not woken up all the way from the academy to the health center.

The only one who had been able to get through, being of age, was Klein. Yuna was crying with concern and anguish for all the feelings she felt remembering the pale face of her beloved teacher. Kirito could do nothing but reassure her, taking her by the shoulders while patted her on the back

He found himself with a lump in his throat that prevented him from speaking, his breathing was choppy and he could barely hold back the tears of infinite concern that flooded his heart.

Klein arrived with them with a mildly neutral face, except for a gesture of discontent.

-What happened to Professor Asuna? -Kirito asked, to which Yuna raised her eyes full of tears.

-There's nothing wrong with her, it was a sudden drop in pressure, but they'll do some tests to find out what caused the fainting.

-Thank God. -Yuna sighed quietly.

-She will be under observation all day and will be discharged tomorrow.

Impotence in its purest expression ran through the veins of Kirito, who felt a pressure in his arms because of the courage that gave him not being able to see Asuna, not being able to comfort her. They would never let him pass as a minor.

He cursed life and his date of birth, and for a few months he couldn't go to the hospital room.

When Klein heard about what had happened, he sent both students to school, telling them not to worry. He would stay in case anything new came up.

Walking through the white halls of the hospital, both boys left, where several nurses and doctors were helping the elderly, wheelchair users, etc.

It was time to take a cab back to the academy. Yuna was calmer but still worried about her teacher, as she lay on the hospital bed, longing with all her heart for a cigarette, even though she did not know exactly what she was doing in the hospital or how she got there.

Klein entered through the wooden door with the long metal handle, smiling at Asuna.

-Is feeling you better now? -he asked.

-I honestly don't know how I got here, what exactly happened? -Asked Asuna in a weak voice.

-You fainted out of nowhere, I, Kirito and Yuna brought you here at once, they insisted on accompanying me even though there was no need.

-Oh my's ok, I'm quite happy to know that at least someone cares about me.

-And that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. -What about your family? The truth is that I prefer...

-The truth is that I prefer that you don't tell them anything, please. -Asuna interrupted.

Klein sighed heavily, sitting on the blue plush chair in the small hospital room that was starting to get on Asuna's nerves.

-So who do I inform? -Klein was slightly confused by Asuna's refusal. -Doesn't she get along with her family?

-Not really...but that's something very personal.

-I understand, and I don't judge you for it. The truth is that gave us all a good scare, but it wasn't anything serious, a drop in pressure can happen to anyone.

-Thank goodness. I've been feeling a little down for a few weeks now, but I'm glad I didn't take it as seriously as I should have.

-That's the trouble with being a little stubborn, we don't realize it until something bad happens to us because of our own stubbornness. -Klein checked his watch. -I have a few seconds left to be here, if you need me I'll be walking around the cafeteria a few times, I'm actually kind of hungry.

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