Chapter 34.-Renewed Heart.

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That same night, Klein scolded Alice very strongly for her aggressive behavior and for insulting Yuuki in such an offensive way. She naturally confessed through tears that she was in love with Eugeo and felt humiliated, angry, and betrayed by a good friend.

The teacher had to explain to Alice what had really happened and that it all went back to a misunderstanding that she should not misunderstand what happened. However, Alice was still angry with Yuuki, why take him alone to a secluded place? He didn't want to think the worst but that was very suspicious.

-And you will apologize to her whether you want to or not. Your problems with boys should not affect your friendship, am I clear?

-You don't understand ... You are a man.

-I will be a man but that does not mean that I am an authority over you, so you will apologize to Yuuki whether you like it or not.

-Sigh ... I understand, Professor Klein.

The next day everyone was preparing to start the journey back to Tokyo. Klein and Poh said goodbye with obligatory kindness since a fight or discussion between them would damage the image of their respective academies. But someday they wanted to have a fight behind closed doors, yes.

Whenever he tried to talk to Alice, Eugeo was brutally ignored by her. There came a point where despair and sadness brought him almost to the brink of tears.

-I'm done...

-Relax, friend. As soon as the courage passes, everything will be fine, I bet you.

As for the "Two Y's" they laughed as they chatted. They were both looking forward to seeing teacher Asuna again, especially Yuna, who could barely contain her urge to hug her.

At that, a shadow covered the space between the two, it was Alice looking at the ground. Yuna immediately got up, standing in front of Yuuki.

-I want to apologize ... I felt destroyed inside, I didn't think clearly when I told you those ugly things. -Alice whispered in obvious embarrassment.

-I will forgive you on one condition. -Alice was a bit surprised. -That we continue to be friends. –When looking up, Yuuki was crying.

-Yes, aha. I accept your condition. –Alice also started crying, they pushed poor Yuna aside and the two hugged each other.

Everyone looked moved at that scene of redemption on the part of the two girls. Eugeo had a bit more calm in his heart. At least he already knew that sooner or later Alice would also return to have contact with him.

The two of them sat together on the bus. Yuna was looking at them with a disgruntled face. That is until Eiji gave him a little caress on the cheek, drawing a smile from both of them.

-And in the end you were right, Professor Klein. –Said one of the roommates of the "Two Y's". –In the end we end up laughing at everything.

-Sigh. I am always right.

The train journey was somewhat tedious, naturally everyone wanted to get home to rest a bit from training and being stressed by the competition.

However, there was a small minority. Six boys and a teacher who were eager to return to the Adachi neighborhood academy to meet an old acquaintance, also a teacher ... a very special one for them.

Asuna was at home watching television and eating some chocolate ice cream. She wasn't depressed or anything like that, but she wanted to be distracted on that lazy day for her.

It was Monday, she did not have to teach as no group of her students would go to the academy, which left her cloistered once more in her room. Those three weeks of hardly having contact with the world had already made her tired and bored.

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