Dinner Date

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"Tenrō, what's the square root of 1?"

I lifted up my head, which I had rested on my desk, and looked at the teacher incredulously. "You haven't taught square roots yet!"

"If you weren't late for class today, you would have known that's exactly what I taught this morning!" The man objected, his hands on his hips as he glared at me.

"Okay, fine, it's on me," I grumbled as I sat back in my seat slouching down.

"Answer the question," he demanded.

"0.5," I answered incorrectly.

"Wrong! It's 1!" He yelled angrily. "You need to stop showing up late! It's affecting your grades!"

I threw my head back. "Maaah-"

"Tenrō! Don't make me send you to the principal's office!" He threatened.

I gave a small sigh before lowering my head so I could look at him. "Yes, sir..."

He nodded sharply before looking at Obito, who was sleeping with drool coming from his mouth and trailing onto the desk.

"Obito!" The man yelled, and the Uchiha in question snapped to alertness.

"Yes!" The boy exclaimed as he saluted.

"What's the square root of 4?" He demanded to know.

"2," Obito replied with a bored look on his face.

The sensei looked shocked since Obito missed his lesson this morning as well. "How did you...?"

"Can I go back to sleep?" Obito whined before allowing his head to fall back. He immediately started snoring, and drool began to run down his chin once more.

I gave a nod of respect to the boy.

"Tenrō! Your bad attitude is rubbing off on Obito!" The teacher yelled at me.

"Oh, please," I scoffed, "I haven't even begun to show a bad attitude. If I wanted, I could go and blow up Orochimaru's lab and watch this village burn as his wrath lashes out against all."

The man flinched back, looking at me in horror.

I gave the most sadistic grin I could as I looked down at him. "Is that what you want, sensei? For me to destroy the village just to show you how bad my temper really gets?"

"What kind of kid are you?" The man asked as he stared up at me, his eyes wide and filled with the horrors of war.

"Tenko always did call me for a demon for a reason," I said with a chuckle, "So stop testing me and get back to instructing, sensei~."

He stared at me in shock for a long moment before looking up at the sky. He was clearly asking his gods why he was dealing with me when he was a good man of faith and shit like that.

I gave an internal snicker.

He looked down at us and decided to be an ass. "Let's go practice our taijutsu."

Oh, fuck you! I internally screamed.

Everyone else was excited, unlike me.

In any case, we went outside and broke into two groups - boys and girls.

I was paired up against some extra. I was up first, along with my partner. I, once again, threw up a Seal of Confrontment and stared at my partner with the utmost boredom.

The extra also made the Seal of Confrontment.

We were then told to get in our fighting positions.

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