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Niall's P.O.V.

I sat in front of Grayson,

"You have two options-"

"Oh so now I get to control my own life?"

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me dammit.", I snapped, "You have two options; you can stay and start fucking behaving, or you can go live with your uncle." He scoffed,

"The last one. Fuck you guys-"

"Not uncle Ryan.", Lily said from the doorway, "Uncle Mason wants to come get us."

"Mason is fine Lily. We're going."

"No, I'm not. You can go if you want, but I'm staying here. I like it here. Mason scares me and you know he won't put up with how you've been acting. I don't wanna be around for that."

"Whatever. Fuck you too. You're just like mom, fucking abandon me."

"At least I'm not the one treating you like shit like dad."

"I'm not like dad."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Grayson's P.O.V.

I forgot how much Mason looks like dad.

"Hey kids!", he said hugging Lily and I, "How've you been?"

"Good.", Lily said softly. I nodded.

"Lil, you're sure you don't wanna come too? You can always change your mind and you'd be with Grayson." She glanced at me,

"I... don't wanna be with Grayson. If he stayed here, I'd go. I'm done being treated like a doormat." Mason's eyes shot to me,

"What have you been doing to her?"

"She was acting ridiculous."

"That doesn't give you a right to treat her like shit." I stayed quiet. "Let's get going. We have a long drive."

"Bye.", Lily muttered. My heart raced,



"Bedtime is eleven on weekends, nine on school nights."

"Nine!? Yeah that's not happening. I-" He grabbed my chin firmly,

"You do not make the fucking rules young man." He let me go and sat on the coffee table in front of me as I stayed silent, "I talked to Niall and Zayn. And I talked to Lily. I know exactly how you've been acting and I'm telling you right now, it will not happen here. The last thing I want to do is truly fuck you up like your dad did, but I will not put up with your teenage bullshit Grayson. I love you, I will happily take care of you as long as you need, but I will not watch you ruin your life and those around you. I will not watch you turn into your father." I froze, feeling tears well up in my eyes,

"I-I don't wanna be like him Mase.", I whispered. He say next to me, hugging me tightly as I broke down in tears,

"I know. I know kiddo.", he said softly, "Hey, look at me." I did so as he gently wiped the tears from my cheeks, "I'm not going to let you become him. I'm not gonna let you destroy yourself and others. I'm gonna take care of you, alright?" I nodded,

"I-I know."

"But it's gonna be a rough road. And you're gonna hate it and it's gonna suck. But you need it, okay?" I nodded. "Good. Let's go get something for dinner."

"What? You're not mad? It-It's just over?"

"I'm not your dad either kid."


"Come here.", Mason growled. I shuffled over to where he stood in the living room as he grabbed my ear, forcing me to look up at him, "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

"O-Okay." He pinched my ear harder as I winced,

"That's not how you respond." I grit my teeth,

"Yes sir."

"Better." He let me go but I kept my eyes on his. "Did you ditch class today?" I hesitated but nodded. "Verbal answer young man."

"Yes sir."


"It-It didn't seem important sir. I-I'd already done my work and had nothing to do but sit around."

"Where did you go?"

"With a friend to get food."

"Are you supposed to leave campus? Especially without letting me know?"

"No sir."

"What friend?" I hesitated. "Tell me or I'll find out Grayson."


"I will be having a chat with his father as well-"

"No please don't Mason!", I panicked.

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because-Because his dad... h-hurts him too." Mason stopped for a second,

"Okay. Then I will have a chat with Alex." I nodded a little. "Grayson your classes are always important, whether you have something to do or not. Whether you like them or not. Whether you're learning or not. You have to go to class, end of story. Leaving campus is so incredibly dangerous. What if something happened at school? No one would be able to find you. Or something happened to you and no one knew because you weren't where you were supposed to be?"

"I know. I'm sorry Mason."

"Good. If it had been lunch or a free hour or something and you'd called me, I likely would have been fine with you leaving campus for a bit."

"I didn't know that."

"But you did know I absolutely wouldn't be okay with you leaving and ditching class. And you did it anyways."

"I'm really sorry."

"Oh you're gonna be sorry Grayson." I hated that sentence. "But I'm not a hundred percent sure on how yet." He directed me to a corner of the living room, "Jeans and underwear off."


"Now!" I whimpered a little but did so. "Fold them and place them on the couch." I did what he said. "Back to your corner, hands on your head, legs spread." I did what he said again, staring at the plain white corner. "Good. Don't even think about moving."

"Yes sir."


It felt like hours before Mason came back in.

"Turn around." I hesitated but did so, my whole face heating up. "You can move your arms." Thank god. I quickly did so, placing them in front of me. I glanced at the coffee table, where an assortment of items laid. "Go pick something unfamiliar.", Mason said.


"Off the table. Something you haven't seen before or don't know what it is." I shuffled over the the table, ignoring the brush, belt, cane and small paddle, and picked up a small metal object,


"That's called a butt plug. It's pretty self explanatory, yeah?" I nodded, putting it down as my stomach churned. "Something else." I picked up a pair of underwear,


"They're super stretchy so they work better for wedgie's."


"Keep going." The wooden kitchen utensils were pretty self explanatory as I took a thing of Icy Hot. "Burns anywhere it goes." I nodded, switching it for the last thing, a weird root looking object,

"What... is this?"

"It's called a ginger root. It goes in your butt and burns pretty bad." I placed it back on the table. "Anything else?"


"Okay. Now choose two."


"One to get spanked with, one for a secondary part of your punishment." Oh no.

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