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I took a deep breath, walking into Mason's office,

"Mase?" He looked up from paperwork, then to his watch,

"You should be asleep kid. It's almost midnight." A month ago, he would have been unbuckling his belt.

"I-I know I just- I really need to talk to you."

"Okay. C'mon." We went out to the backyard, sitting in the swing towards the middle if it.

"Oh Romeo!", Selena sang from her balcony next door. Selena had lived next to Mason since I was eight. She was a blast.

"Get to bed Juliet. We both know you have work tomorrow.", Mason laughed. She sighed dramatically, leaning over the balcony,

"The sky's awake so I'm awake!"

"Alright Anna. Don't make me come over there and knock your lights out myself."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh but I would." She sighed,

"Fine. Goodnight boys."

"Goodnight Selena.", we both called. She blew me a kiss,

"Be good Graysie." My heart fluttered as she went inside and Mason looked to me, confused,

"Now she's calling you that too? Are you bisexual?" I hesitated,

"I'm... I'm straight."


"But I'm not-" I stopped. How do I even say it?

"Kid, whatever it is, you can tell me."

"It just- it's a lot."

"We'll get through it. You know that." I nodded,

"I-I um- I'm not... me..."


"No I-I mean- I-I- I'm-" I sighed, "I don't know how to say it." Mason rubbed my back a little,

"It's alright. Calm down sweetie." I don't think he'd ever called me that. I liked it.

"I'm not a boy.", I whispered, barely even audible.

"So you're a girl? Or...?"

"Y-Yeah." He nodded,

"Okay. What do you wanna be called?"


"So that's where Gracie came from?" I nodded. "Makes sense now. We will go to a doctor tomorrow and figure out what's next. You're gonna be too tired for school anyways."

"Okay." I hugged him, "Thank you."

"I'm on your side. Always."


"Because you haven't hit puberty yet, this will be an easier transition.", the doctor explained, "We can give you hormone blockers and go from there. But you can't have a sex change operation until you're at least twenty and have been checked out by a number of specialists."


"But if you want, we can give you your first shot today." I looked to Mason, who shrugged,

"It's up to you love. It's your body." I nodded a little,

"Yeah. I-I wanna do it."

"Okay. I'll go get it set up."

"You're willingly getting a shot?", Mason asked when he left.

"To finally feel myself in my own body? I'm willing to get shot."

"How long have you felt like this?"

"I-I dunno. Seven or eight years I guess."

"You- Since you were a kid?" I nodded,

"Dad would have killed me. On the spot. I didn't even understand it until I was away from him and then I was to scared to act on it."

"I'm really proud of you for telling me."

"Thanks." The doctor came back in with a needle as I swallowed hard. Mason moved to the table where I sat, sitting next to me,

"You're good love.", he said softly, petting my hair. The doctor pulled up my shirt and cleaned a spot in my stomach before slowly pushing the needle in. I whimpered as Mason held me to his side tightly, "It's okay."

"Fuck.", I hissed as my stomach dropped, "I-I'm sorry-"

"It's alright.", Mason said softly, "Just breathe kid. You're okay."

"All done. Good job.", the doctor said, "Any questions?"

"What are the side effects?", I asked.

"Mostly mood swings. You might get a little sick and feel pretty tired, but for the most part you'll have a lot of really strong emotions." He looked to Mason, "Especially watch out for suicidal thoughts. It's pretty common with everything for the next few years."

"I'm not depressed.", I said softly.

"You don't have to have depression to feel depressed or suicidal. Especially with the meds and hormone blockers. If you feel that way, you need to call someone or tell your dad." My heart leaped at the small label as I nodded,

"I will."

"Good." Mason looked to me,

"Do you have anymore questions?"


"Okay. Go wait in the waiting room for me."


"I have my own questions."

"About me? Why can't I stay?"

"Okay." He turned to the doctor, "So, when Gracie gets in trouble at home, she gets spanked-"

"I'll be in the waiting room."

Mason's P.O.V.

"Anyways.", the doctor laughed as Gracie bolted from the room, "What was your question?"

"Gracie normally gets spanked at home when it's needed. And a few other things that I probably won't use for awhile because they're rarely needed anyways. With everything she's on, should I find an alternative?"

"Personally, I don't think so. I think changing routine would be worse. Enough is changing and if you change something bug lile that, it could really mess her up. The less you change about your daily lives, the better. But you do need to prepare for her to be way more emotional. With everything. She might cry at the drop of a pen for awhile."

"I'll take that over who she was before. I'd much rather extreme emotions than nothing ever."

"Me too." He paused, "What other methods were you talking about? If you don't mind."

"No, I don't. It depends on the situation. Typically, she just gets spanked. So does her sister if I'm in charge of her. But if it's something big, like a suspension that was inexcusable or breaking the law or something that endangers them, then I have other methods on top of spanking them. If we have the time, sometimes I use a ginger root. If not, typically I'll make them wear a butt plug for awhile. And usually I end their spanking with icy hot. But that's about it for the most part and I feel lile I'm really good about knowing when they can and can't handle certain things. They're not technically my kids, but they are and I know my kids." He smiled a little,

"I've been doing this for almost fifteen years. I've met some supportive parents, some sneaky family members and a lot if bad people, but I've never met a parent like you. You're not even her biological parent and you're better than hundreds have met. I haven't heard you use her deadname or make some snarky comment about the situation or anything."

"Of course not. Look there's-there's always been something off about Gracie. Her whole life. She finally told me. I'm never gonna discredit that. Or-Or tell her she's faking or some bullshit. She's my kid, it's my job to support her." He smiled,

"Damn right it is."

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