Your pregnant

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Summary: pregnant reader and how they would act around you


Arthur is always by your side and never lets you do anything that could hurt you. No matter how far you are in your pregnancy, Arthur will not allow you to take any jobs or do anything that would harm you in anyway. Arthur becomes pretty overprotective of you but you love. after long days, Arthur will lay between your legs with his head on your stomach and run his hand around your hips.


like Arthur, Dutch will not allow you to do jobs. When you do show signs of your pregnancy and become self conscious of  your body, Dutch is there to tell you your beautiful every day. He'll kiss your stretch marks and nuzzle his face into your stomach. Dutch, despite being the leader of the gang and all, will put everything off to take care of you. 


Micah may not seem like someone who would be a parent but he is very protective of you. When your both alone, he'll hold you and press his hand against your stomach and rubbing his rough hands against it. He may not admit it out loud, but you can tell he's proud to be a father. When your both around the others, Micah is pretty protective and won't let you do things that could hurt you but he does let you do somethings around the camp.


Hosea is defiantly proud to become a father and he is very careful with you. When your about to give birth, he's right there beside you and give your words of encouragement. If your in your earlier stages, he would let you do stuff around camp but he wouldn't let you do dangerous jobs. 


Charles is very helpful when your pregnant, He adjusts what you eat while your pregnant so you have more energy to be around camp. He also brings you fruits and berries he finds on his hunts so you have a variety of foods to eat on your cravings. 


Sean is proud to say that he's gonna be a father. When your together in camp, he's always showing you off causing you to smile. When your farther ahead and showing more, he'll get on his knees and press his head against your stomach and talk to your child. You giggle and run your fingers through his hair. 


Javier is definitely a proud soon to be father and while your bed rested, he plays his guitar for you or presses his face against your stomach and speaks Spanish to your child. You only smile and run your fingers through his hair while he does. Javier will lay with you ever chance he gets just so he can rub your belly and press his head against it. 


John has gone through a pregnancy before with Abigail, even though he wasn't always there. He does his best to help you through your pregnancy and does what he can to make sure your comfortable.  He was never there for the actual birth of Jack but he wants to better himself and be there for you and your unborn child. Jack would be very happy to have a sibling, even if its a half sibling, to play with. 


Kieran has absolutely no idea what do to but he does his best none the less. He wants to make sure that your safe and cozy. Like the others, he won't let you do anything that could potentially hurt you. He will let you do stuff around camp as long as it isn't heavy lifting. 


Bill may be drunk half of your pregnancy so he's usually asleep next to you, even then he still knows to be gentle with you and take care of you. When he's sober, he does his best to make sure that you aren't drinking or doing dangerous things that could hurt you and the baby.


Sadie will take care of you, she may no be blood related to your unborn child but to her, its still her son/daughter. She will help you and make sure you eat and rested for when the time comes. She may have never gone through labor before but she's happy to know what it's like to be a soon to be mother.


Mary-Beth will read up on everything about pregnancy that she can. She is happy to be in your unborn child's life even if she wasn't the father. Your happy to know that she still loves your child even before its born. She will give you lots of books to read while your bed rested and won't let you get up unless you need to stretch or do other things. 


a/n: I hope you guys liked this! I've got a bit of time left from work and school so here you go!

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