Chapter 4: Game Time

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She couldn't sleep last night. She spent most of the night with music blasting in her ears to stop her from thinking. She decided to get up at 4:39 because she knew she wouldn't go back to sleep. Linda did her normal routine within twenty minutes, and since she doesn't need to leave for school for another two and a half hours she decided to write in her journal.

Hey, I am so confused. Everything is messing up, and it's only been four days. I feel like a stupid six year old writing in here, first of all. Second of all I don't know how I'm going to be able to function today because I only got about an hours sleep total. Third of all my parents are confusing as hell, wait no, hell is ten times simpler than my parents. Fourth of all, I've never heard of a fourth of all so that makes me pathetic. Fifth of all, there is bitchzilla who for some unknown reason has targeted me, but not only has she targeted me she doesn't want me to know she has targeted me. Sixth of all, there is Zack. My FRIEND. Seventh of all, I feel like acknowledging how pathetic I am again, because I have two hours and twenty three minutes to spare. Eighth of all, five days ago was the end of the worst summer I have ever had.

Linda watched tv after she finished writing. Until five minutes before she had to leave she checked the mirror and horror struck her. She saw dark shadows under her eyes that could easily be mistaken as a lost fist fight. She needed to fix this, so she got concealer and covered until she looked her normal self again. She checked her phone and saw that if she didn't run, she was going to be late for school. With this realization she grabbed her stuff and bolted out the door.

She ran all the way to school, gasping for breath when she got there. She wasnt paying attention to her surroundings, which caused her to run into the back of someone. She mumbled sorry and started to walk away when a familiar voice called out to her, "No problem sunshine".
There was only one person that called her that. Her past was catching up to bite her in the arse, and he knew how to bite hard. His voice stopped her in her tracks, and her breath to hitch in her throat. She was slowly suffocating with the thought of him, not daring to breathe. I'm not afraid of him, she thought. After a few torturing seconds of her regaining her breath he walked in front of her. Before he could speak she mustered up the courage to speak first, "What the hell are you doing here? Wait, no I honestly don't give a damn."

"Shut up and let me talk!", but before he could that blaring bell rang.

"As much fun as that sounds I would rather not be late for class, so if you could please get the hell out of my way, I'd be much obliged", she said with a smirk as she shoved her way through him with all her strength, because that is the only way for him to move. She kept walking even when he called out to her. She didn't want to deal with him, she had no energy to deal with him. Linda walked into class with her books and sat down next to Zack.

"What's wrong?", he asked making Linda confused.

"What ever do you mean?", she asked in a sarcastic theater voice making her wince and fom chuckle then frown. She didn't mean to be sarcastic, now there won't be any denying something is up.

"You seem angry, and tired, but mostly tired.", he replied in a knowing voice, and he was right, which made it easier for her to deny it.

" I dont know what your talking about... are you high?", she whispered in a completely serious tone.

"No, im not high.", he replied with a smirk on his face.

"It's okay, you can trust me, I just want to know where you got it.", she said in a completely serious tone, but completely kidding. She hates drugs, there is simply no point, but doesn't mind it when people drink...responsibly for that matter.

"Ha, ha, ha.", he told her in a dead tone implicating that he is joking, and knew she was joking as well.
"I'll make you a tell me what is bothering you, and I'll tell you my dealers name.", he proposed in a serious voice that left her uncertain whether or not he actually has a dealer. Would this change her perspective of him? Hell yes, she knew he was stupid, all males are, but she didn't think he was that stupid, although she has underestimated people before.

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