Chapter 26

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Over the next few days, Tom would leave early and come back late. Harry had to guess whatever he was planning was big if it took up so much of his time. He was worried about what it might mean for his friends, but he didn't ask, nor did he say anything when he exchanged letters with Ron and Hermione.

But now he wasn't sure. When he had woken up that morning, Tom was still there in bed with him, quietly watching him in that creepy way of his. Why would he watch him sleep? But anyway, he didn't question it, glad to have someone to talk to at least for a little bit. They got up and Tom got dressed while Harry got Wynter changed and dressed and ordered breakfast from the house elf that appeared; completely normal morning. But Tom was a little...on edge? There was just something off, but Tom didn't say anything, nor did he act like anything was different. When the house-elf came back with their food, they sat down and ate breakfast, filling the silence with idle chatter; then when they were done, Tom helped him clean up Wynter and her mess and then went to the bathroom to do whatever. Harry put Wynter on the floor to play and then got dressed.

He had just finished tying up his shoelaces and straightened himself when he saw it. His blood ran cold and he froze as he looked at his daughter...wrapped up in the coils of a huge snake.

She didn't look scared, only curious, but Harry was freaking out."T-Tom," he managed to get out, his voice shaky. The door to the bathroom opened and Tom peered out and Harry gestured with his chin over to what he could barely see of their daughter.

-Nagini- Tom hissed in Parseltongue, leveling her with a look, -Be careful-

"Careful?" Harry asked Tom incredulously. Then turned to the snake -Get off of her- he hissed.

Nagini turned her huge head to look over at him -I will not harm master's hatchling- she hissed and continued to smell Wynter with its tongue; flicking in and out at her face.

That didn't make him feel any better and he was afraid to move for fear it would trigger a reaction and hurt Wynter.

Tom sat down next to him on the bed and gently placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Nagini will not harm her," he said softly and then looked to his familiar with a stern look. Nagini bowed her head slightly in understanding.

Harry relaxed slightly but was still on guard if the blasted snake did anything. But Wynter seemed just fine wrapped up in the large snakes' coils, watching it with fascination. Nagini leveled her face inches in front of her face gazing at her and Wynter stared back.

-Hello hatchling- Nagini hisses to her and Wynter laughed as the tongue flicked out and touched her. Then as quick as a snake herself, Wynter grabbed a hold of Nagini's snout, giggling all the while.

Harry gasped and made to move to get up, but Tom stopped him by wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him against him. Harry needn't be worried because Nagini did nothing, only hissed in discomfort as Wynter held on to her face tightly and swung her arm making her head move with Wynter's hand. It would have been funny if Harry wasn't so terrified. Even if she was a tame snake who listened to her master, he knew what the big snake could do, had seen it.

-Let go hatchling- Nagini told Wynter trying to free her head from the surprisingly tight grip. But Wynter would not let go and continued to swing her head back and forth. -Please let hurts- she hissed and Wynter let her go and cooed at the snake.

Harry was kind of startled that Wynter listened and even Tom stiffened slightly but he just passed it off as a coincidence; he glanced at Tom and it seemed he thought so too. Nagini was playing with Wynter, which was surprising, by lifting her tail and swaying it in front of her and Wynter tried to catch it, her little hands grabbing for it. But she soon got bored of it and suddenly wrapped her arms around Nagini's neck and held her close; happy as could be.

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