Chapter 37

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Harry stood there for what felt like hours just staring at the spot Tom had been in just moments before. As the shock wore off, a cold feeling starting in the center of his chest settled over him as what happened sunk in. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He had expected Tom to be shocked, yes, to be angry or just gloss it over, say thank you and just move on. Not for him to leave. Why? Why did he leave? Why had he opened his fat mouth?

Suddenly tears welled up in his eyes and spilled over and he was unable to stop them as he began to sob, his heart tearing apart. He had kept the way he felt a secret for this reason, he knew Tom wouldn't feel the same, wouldn't understand. No matter how much it hurt him to keep it quiet, it hurt even more now that it was out in the open. Why couldn't he just keep his mouth shut? This would never have happened. Harry continued to sob, wiping at his face in a futile attempt to make it stop until he felt tugging on his pants and looked down at the wet eyes of his daughter.


"Oh," Harry hiccupped, remembering that she was there, "Wynter. Oh, Wynter, it's okay," he said picking her up and wiping her face and holding her close. "It's okay," he said again, not sure if he was reassuring her or himself. But he couldn't stop his tears which made Wynter cry even more.

So they stood there crying together; Harry over his broken heart and Wynter because her parents had been yelling at each other and now her mama was sad and she didn't understand why.

Minutes that felt like hours, Harry got control of himself. Looking around, all Harry could see was their fight and all the good moments that would never happen again. Opening up gifts under the tree, watching movies, making out on the couch... He suddenly felt suffocated and had to get out. He couldn't stay here. Especially if Tom came back...if he came back.

Making a split decision, he went up the stairs to his bedroom and used his wand to pack his things into his slightly burnt trunk and did the same to Wynter's things. With a last look into his bedroom where he and Tom spent many a night making love. He had his trunk follow him downstairs. He went around the room taking whatever else he needed and then shrunk his trunk down and placed it in his pocket.

-Where are you going? Don't leave. I'm sure Master didn't mean it. He'll be back- Nagini hissed pleading with him to stay.

-I'm sorry, Nagini. I-I can't. I can't be here- Harry hissed back. –I just can't-

-Please, Harry. Stay. Wait until he comes back. He just made a mistake. You'll see-

-I can't. It hurts too much. I have to go...I'm sorry-

With that, he apparated away with Wynter.


Tom arrived back at his office at Riddle Manor but he didn't sit down, he couldn't sit still, pacing back and forth as he absorbed the confession that Harry had told him. Of all the things Harry could have said those words were the last he expected to hear. Ever.

Yet they explained a lot. Those looks he had been getting over the past few months...that was what that look was. He had seen adoration before, Merlin knows he got it all the time from Bella, but this had been different. How it was different? He didn't know. It just was.

All this time, Harry had been staring at him with love in his eyes and he hadn't even known. How could he have known? He had never been loved before, not like this. There were no strings attached to it. Just To be honest. It scared him. He didn't understand why. Why him? Of all people, why him? He was the last person Harry could love, should love...and yet... Harry had confessed to him (screamed it at him really, but he didn't care). After all the bad things Tom had done, done to Harry. Yet he still loved him.

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