The Invincible Superhero Cat...

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Basically when your cat is an untrained apprentice who single-handedly takes out a badger? I don't think so....know your cat's limitations! Your cat isn't Iron Man for StarClan's sake. If he fights a badger he's gonna A. Die or B. Get shredded and be severely injured.

Fire's Notes because she can-

I've seen this so many times. Just take the time to write a chapter about training! Even if it's short, just make a time-lapse that's obvious. The parts like this bother me most:

Silverheart stalked through the forest. Dead leaves crouched under his paws, and his apprentice, Blackpaw, was making a ruckus behind him. Suddenly, a badge appeared in front of them. Blackpaw jumped on the creature's back, and clawed it. He slit its throat and killed it. "Wow!" said Silverheart. "You'll be a great warrior, Blackpaw."

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