The Robots

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The characters in half of these books are rarely three-dimensional characters. For those of you that don't know what that means, they don't really have emotions/feelings or personalities. I mean the best way to explain it is to give an example. For that I shall summon my friends Villainstar and Herokitty

*Villainstar kills Herokitty's mate*

Herokitty: My mate was killed? Oh okay. *goes on as if nothing happened*

Villainstar: I will kill you all for no reason at all!

Herokitty: And I will stop you because I'm the protagonist!

Crazystar: And I will shoot you all with a shotgun cuz you're annoying as Bluestar!

Things That Annoy Crazystar About Warriors FanficsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora