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'Lisa': Stop acting, Alliance scums.
Lily: Who are you?
Albert: Darth Ganon.
Ganon: Bingo.
Albert: Before you kill us, where's Lincoln?
Ganon: Lincoln?
Albert: A white-haired boy.
Ganon:...Oh, now I remember, a loser. Poor boy, he was abandoned by his family. Who is he to you?
Lily: He's my brother. Now, where is he?
Ganon: I gave him a trip, a trip he'll not return from.
Albert: You'll pay for that!

Albert suddenly force-pushed Ganon, freeing the group from Ganon. To their surprise, a troop of droids and stormtroopers and a sith came to Ganon's aid.

Ganon: You think I'm stupid to not have back up.

Ganon deflected a laser from Clyde's gun.

Ganon: Really, dude😑.
Clyde: It work with Count Barfa.
Ganon: Count Barna.
Clyde: Right, Count Barna.

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