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After being force to leave Stella to her fate, the crew being to talk.

Lynn: Dang it! First Lincoln and then Pop-Pop and now Stella!
Clyde: Sorry, I shouldn't abandon her.
Lynn: No, it's okay. She knew we'll be captured if we tried to save her.

They just arrived at a big well-hidden ship just near Ganon's ship.

Lori: Lisa, good to have you back! Wait, where's Pop-Pop?
Clyde: You're grandfather saved us.
Lori(crys): Oh god, no!!!

Meanwhile with Ganon.

Albert: Looks like you lost, sith.
Ganon(laughs): On the contrary, my tracking device was with them. Looks like you've failed yourself, your family and the universe especially the boy you've mentioned.
Albert: You basta-
Ganon: Looks like the old man died. Now, Captain Chandler.
Chandler: Yes, my lord.
Ganon: I've decided to give you a raise since someone was 'fired'.
Chandler: Thank you, my lord. May I kill the traitor?
Ganon: She's pregnant with twins.
Chandler and Stella: What!?
Ganon: It's up to you if you want to have them or not, Captain Chandler.
Chandler: Damn.....I've decided to become a father, my lord.
Ganon: I thought you wouldn't want to have children with her but I guess I was wrong. Congrats, captain.
Chandler: Thank you, my lord. May Stella also be spared since I don't want my children to grow up without their mother?
Ganon: Understandable. Now, bring her to the jail.
Chandler: Of course, my lord. You're lucky, Stella. If you weren't pregnant, I would've beg to shoot you.
Stella: Sorry but I wanted to be peace and tranquility in the galaxy.
Chandler: I guess breaking a man's heart is peace and tranquility, huh?
Chandler: That's what I thought, you bitch.

To be continued (or maybe not?)

The Sith And The Jedi season 2 Where stories live. Discover now