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Lily drops a flash bomb.

Lily: Run!

The group accidently divided into 2.

Lynn: The next time you drop a flash bomb, warn us please.
Lily: Sorry.

They both found a stair and went up.

Stella: Freeze, scumbags!
Lily: Do you really want to this?
Lynn: Stop fooling around, Stella.
Stella(laughs): Ha! You should seen her face.
Lily: Wait, you're the spy.
Stella: From the very beginning.
Lynn: Can you show us where Lisa is?
Stella: I already told you the location.
Lily: They must've transfer her to another jail cell.
Stella: Dang it!

Meanwhile with Albert and Clyde.

Clyde(cry): Why? Why does he have to die?
Albert(cry): It was my fault. I didn't protect my grandson. I failed him.
Lisa: Pop-pop is that you?
Pop-pop(shows his face): Lisa! Wow, never thought we will accidently stumble into you. Now, lets get you out of here.
Lisa(worried): But first, what happened to Lincoln?
Albert: Umm.....he...uhh...-

Suddenly, Clyde blasted the the door.

Clyde: Now isn't a good time. We've been discovered.

The Sith And The Jedi season 2 Where stories live. Discover now