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Taking advantage of the distraction of the battle between Ganon and Albert, the group rush to the ship, leaving Albert and Stella behind.

Albert: Didn't you ever learn not mess with a man's family?
Ganon(laughs): Nope.

Albert and Ganon being to exchange blows.

Ganon(sarcastic): Damn, you're fast. I won't last a chance with you, grandpa.
Albert: Cocky will only le-

Albert suddenly got stabbed by Ganon in the heart.

Ganon: You shouldn't have let your guard down, old man.

The group just arrived in their ship.

The Louds(cry): Pop-Pop!!!

Before Ganon could do anything, he was knocked out by Stella, who in turn was held down by Chandler.

Clyde: Hang on, Stella!
Stella: It's too late for me! Save yourself!
Clyde: But-

A group of droids, who just arrived started shooting at the lookalike ship.

Clyde: Dang it!

The Sith And The Jedi season 2 Where stories live. Discover now