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Clyde, Lisa and Albert were sneaking around the jail to find an exit without being discovered. They were discovered by a captain and 2 stormtroopers.

Albert: Just walk away and no one will get hurt.
Lynn: It's us, Pop-Pop.
Lisa: Why is she with you?
Lily: She's the spy, duh.
Lisa: She tortured me.
Stella: Sorry, can't blow my cover.
Lisa: Apology not accepted. I'm st-
Clyde: Times ticking, girls.
Lisa: Dang it.
Lily: Oh, Lisa, may I ask you a question?
Lisa(confused): Sure.
Lily: May I be the godmother of your first child?
Lisa(still confused): Of course.
Lynn: Dang it! Should've expect this.
Lisa: Huh?
Lynn: I'll explain later.

The Sith And The Jedi season 2 Where stories live. Discover now