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CHAPTER FIVE (unedited)

--- Kindly put your playlist here ---

"There comes a time in life,
When you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.
Surround yourself with people who make you laugh,
Forget the bad,
And focus on the good.
Love the people who treat you right.
Pray for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Falling down is part of life,
Getting back up is living."

                              - UNKNOWN

Like You by Tatiana

                          * * * *


Whoever made bathroom sex a thing was a very horrible human being.

It's a public bathroom for chrissake!

"I don't want to hide us no more." A female voice speak up.

"I love when you moan for me, Ella." Her partner says sensually, ignoring her. "I know you love how I give you multiple orgasms with my mouth."


"Let me make you discover new places you never thought exist-"

"I saw that stupid thong in the back seat of your car, I thought we're meant to be exclusive?"

"Shit." He backs away from her as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Ella please hear me out, It's not what you think it is."

"Yea right. It's never what a girl think it is." She scoff. "Don't you dare touch me!"

"Ella, I'm telling the truth, I didn't fucking touch her! I won't hurt you like that."

"Then why are you hiding us away? Let's tell the world about about our love, please."

"That can't happen, Isabelle."

"Why... why can't it be like that... tell me." The girl's voice cracks up like she is seconds away from crying. "You don't wanna commit to me but you want all the benefits of a boyfriend, why?"

"Ah, we back to this?! I thought you understood by now what we have. Why do you need to be my 'girlfriend' so bad? It's just a fucking lame label!" He angrily points out.

"I have some self respect!!!" The girl screams. "I'm tired of being your secret behind closed doors."

"Kurt moments we steal when the curtain falls are never enough. I want to be seen holding hands with you in the public. Be recognized as your girlfriend."


"And here we fucking go, again. I love you Ella, but I'm afraid I can't give what you're asking of me."

"Kurt, I will not be your plaything, especially when it implies being treated like dirt. You act like you don't even know me when in the same space as you."

"You're overreacting." He exhale loudly. "Can't do this with you right now. I'll call you when you're more calm and reasonable. See you later." I hear the door close and soft sobs.

I walk out and stand in front of the sink, next to the stranger. "Are you okay?"

She spare me a weird glance like I'm the one caught doing the forbidden and didn't even bother to reply.

If Wishes Were HorsesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon