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CHAPTER SEVEN (unedited)

      --- Kindly put your playlist here ---

"If their success intimidates or upset you,
Then you have a problem.
You're not fully focused on your own journey.
You're also letting ego get in the way.
Learn to disengage from what others are doing, or not doing.
Pay no attention to their harsh words too.
Mind your own journey."



Starboy by The Weeknd

                                  * * * *


"Calm down, let go of your anger and you'll see the good in this."

No, that is never happening. Ever!

My entire life can not just be uprooted and moved to a backwater town. What gave her the right to meddle with my life? I don't know what I am supposed to be doing in this dead ass shitty place. Its population enormously decreases each year newly admitted college students leaves.

"Keep going to school, try to make new friends, or call up your old friends if you have any." She suggests calmly. "Drive around, find out interesting places."

Is she fucking kidding me right now?

I grind my teeth together, hard enough to cut through diamond. "I'm spending no more freaking time in this hick town."

"Excuse me, but that 'hick town' is where you grew up." She says in a defensive tone.

I scoff. "So what? And I had to move back now, why?"

"Well, your father and I think you need some... grounding."

Grounding!?? "So this in-the-pits place is it? What am I again, some freaking eight grader?"

"Cameron, I only decided that because you're quite a handful yourself."

She still doesn't get it!

"It's my life! Just stop already... stop trying to interfere in my life!"

"Don't yell at me, Cameron." She chastise, "I understand that you're upset, but it's for the best and you know it."

No fucking way!

"Bullshit!!!" I yell, "You knew I'd be furious, which is why you didn't fucking bother telling me why I was transferred back here in the first fucking place."

She gasps like she has never heard me swear before, "Cameron, mind your language!"

I can't help but laugh. "Seriously? You're seriously going to whinge about my language right now, when there's a much bigger problem to canvass?"

"Listen to me young-"

"No! You listen to me. I'm not fucking ten no more, you don't get to tell me what to do, and you can't make me stay! I'm taking the jet out of here right now."

"I'll like to see you try Cameron, I dare you. Do you remember that document I had you sign after your father went into coma?" She snicker sinisterly, taking my silence as a no. "Well son, you should have read it first. You take that flight and you fucking lose everything. Plain and simple."

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