Part 2~Day one~

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I personally won't be writing about the school day because that's boring unless it's important to the story line

     A loud squeak filled the gym "At least your shoes are clean" Kuroo stated walking up behind you "I bet your's aren't" you smirked at him, he picked up one of his feet slamming it onto the ground making sure his toes hit to make a loud squeak "Nevermind, I underestimated you" you walked to the storage room to grab the ball cart with Kuroo following behind you. Once you opened the door Kuroo slammed you against the wall and held his face inches from yours "Don't underestimate me again or you'll be surprised", he had put his face close to yours once already but this time it felt different, maybe it was the fact that he had you pinned on the wall with no escape "Look at that chibi-chan, your blushing" you punched his chest "NO I'M NOT" as a matter of fact you were blushing. "Just get your stuff and go get ready for practice. 


     All the girls arrived to the gym and noticed how you kept looking over at Kuroo "Does our y/n have a crush~~" one of your teammates teased "NO I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH" they giggled at how defensive you got, you shouting seem to have gotten the boys attention. "Oh-y/n has a crush, and she didn't bother to tell me" Kuroo chimed in "Why would I tell you, I barely even know you" some of you teamates laughed while others went back to practice "Come on chibi-chan~ I know you want to tell me" he said dragging out the insult "First off I don't have a crush, second off even if I did have one, I don't trust you enough to tell you" you said returning to your practice "Well then why don't we build up that trust" he said while walking up behind you "Come over to my place after school" he seductively whispered into your ear, you turned around and punched him in the chest "Ouch y/n what was that for" he whined "For your sentence, I'll come over but don't do anything weird, or else" you got really serious and almost scared Kuroo. A large smile grew on his face "I won't, storage room after practice" and with that he walked back over to his team. 

     One of your teamates who overheard your conversation with the boy walked up to you "Your going to Kuroo's, lucky" she seemed jealous "I'm just going over there as a friend, nothing is going to happen" you said quite serious and scared her. "Right of course, have fun."


     You were putting the ball basket back into the storage room looking for Kuroo, you entered the storage room and you were pinned against the wall again with both your hands being held, it was dark so you couldn't see who was infront of you "I swear to god if this you oak tree I won't go to your house and go straight home instead" that seemed to do the trick as he let go of your hands "Geez y/n your pretty scary sometimes" he said while turning on the light "Thanks, that's why people don't like playing ball with me sometimes" you returned putting the basket in it's place. You two madde your way out of the storage room and towards the front of the gym "Could I do some homework at your house" you ask while putting your shoes on "Yeah, lemme help you so it get's done faster" he replied while locking the gym door. You two started walking in the direction of Kuroo's house "I have a question" you looked up at him "I might have an answer" you smiled with that response "Why'd you invite me over" you said looking down at the ground "Cause I think you're cool and I want to get to know you better." He looked back at you but you were still looking at the ground, he went from a walk to a jog "If your gonna stare at the ground, might as well stare at the ground while I beat you" you started to run after him "NO FAIR" you two continued to run till you got to his house.


     "HA I beat you" he said as he opened his front door "It's only cause you started first" you stated following him inside "MOM I'M HOME" he said while walking into the kitchen, you followed him to the kitchen, his mom looked over to you two "Oh is this your girlfriend" she said you both blushed "NO, no she's just a friend" Kuroo responded, "Anyways we're gonna go do our homework now" he grabbed your hand and walked you out of the kitchen and up to his room. "Sorry about that" he looked away embarrassed "It's fine, lets just start our homework" he opened the door to his room and it was surprisingly clean. "Here" he pulled up a chair right next to his and pulled out his homework, "Let's get this done as fast as possible" you sat down and pulled out your work "You might want to tell your parents that you're over here." You pulled out your phone and texted your mother "Thanks for reminding me, now let's do this" you put your phone away and started working with Kuroo. 


     "Ahh~ I'm so hungry" Kuroo whined yet again "You said that five minutes ago, just wait a minute I'm almost done" you responded while focusing, suddenly you heard a knock on the door and Kuroo's mother let herself in "I heard you were hungry so I made some ramen for you guys" she said while placing down two bowls of ramen and some chopsticks. "Come on y/n stop working and eat" he stole your pencil and handed you the ramen "Open up" he said while putting food closer to your mouth "I can feed myself you know" you said stealing the chopsticks from him and eating the ramen, "Now these are my chopsticks" you grabbed more ramen and shoved it into your mouth "THIS IS SO GOOD" you exclaimed, he laughed at your reaction "What does your team think about me" he asked while you were chewing "I think some of them are jealous that I know you, those girl like you, like a lot and others think that you're gonna be a distraction and make me lose focus" you replied with your hand over your mouth "I would never, if I become a distraction promise me you'll drop me." he said while putting some food in his mouth, you met him just yesterday why did you feel so close to him already "I can't promise that" you responded, that seemed to make him a little happy "What does your team think of me" you placed down your ramen to finish the last of your homework "Most of them think you're hella cool and all want me to introduce you to them..except for Kenma, he's the short guy with dyed blonde hair" he started to explain "I think I know who your talking about" you said still looking at your paper "He thinks your gonna steal me away from him and stuff like that" you held up your homework so he could check to see if it was correct, he gave you a thumbs up while putting more food into his mouth. "Don't worry, I would never steal you away from your friends, don't think I would even want to" you said while putting your homework away "What is that supposed to mean" he sounded a little angry "Nothing" you laughed a bit at his reaction. You two sat in silence as you ate, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, you two just enjoyed each others presence until you were done with your food. "I guess I should get home now" you yawned "Lemme walk you home, it's late and I don't want you to get kidnapped, like they would want you anyways" you lightly punched his arm "What is that supposed to mean" he laughed just like you did when you made that same remark to him earlier "Nothing let's go" he grabbed your bag making you follow behind him  "MOM I'M TAKING HER HOME" he screamed into the living room "OKAY HUNNY BE CAREFUL" he put his shoes on with you following after. "Ladies first" he held the door open and and you walked out grabbing your bag off his back "I can carry this" he followed you out and shut the door behind him. "You should let me hold your bag" he whined walking next to you with his hands in his pockets. "I am perfectly capable to carry my own bag" you used a snobby tone as you responded. "But then the guys will think that I'm not a gentleman" he said while whining again "Then let them think that" 


     "We're here" you said stopping in front of a decent sized house, you started walking to the door and he followed you to the door "Thanks for walking me home" you said looking Kuroo in the eyes "Of course, don't want anyone taking you before I get to know you" you both nervously laughed, there was another comfortable silence that only lasted a few seconds "Well I'll see you tomorrow" you said giving him a smile, he pulled you into a hug "See you tomorrow chibi-chan~" you hugged him back now "I'm still the master of the court you oak tree" he let go and started to walk off "Sure you are" you waved and watched him walk away. Once he got far enough you went inside and went to go shower, while in the shower you thought of how comfortable you were with him and you smiled as you remembered how you two laughed together. Once you remembered how he hugged you outside your house you started to blush, you couldn't believe that he hugged you. You got ready for bed and couldn't contain your excitement wondering when the next time you guys would hang out would be.                                   

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