Halloween special!

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    Happy Halloween and if you don't celebrate Halloween then happy Saturday! I thought I would make this chapter  just for fun, I hope you enjoy! (also this chapter has no relevance to whats happening in the normal story)- adri

    You looked at yourself in the mirror of your bathroom "Kuroo do I really have to wear this" you turned around to see your boyfriend, Kuroo ,staring at you in his costume. He was in a male maid outfit and cat ears "Yes, I would look dumb if i was the only one in the maid costume" you looked back in the mirror and put the cat ear clips on. "Now, are you ready to go kitten~" you cringed at him calling you kitten "I prefer you calling me chibi-chan" he laughed a bit and you two walked to your front door, "WE'RE HEADING OUT NOW MOM" you yelled behind you as Kuroo walked through the door. "OKAY KIDS BE CAREFUL" your mom yelled back from the kitchen, Kuroo thought it would be a great idea to go to a Halloween party with his friends, you didn't know exactly what friends he was talking about; all you knew is that Bokuto was going to be there and it was supposed to be a crazy party.

     As you two walked up to the house that Kuroo said it was at you could hear the sound of music increasing, the windows were basically shaking from the vibration. Kuroo walked up to the door and opened it revealing Halloween decorations everywhere and really loud music. "After you" he gently grabbed your hand and lead you into the unknown house, you followed him throughout the house holding onto his hand. 1, because he seemed to know where he was going, and 2 because you didn't want to lose him in the large house. "KUROO YOU MADE IT" someone had screamed over the loud music, you turned to look at where the noise had come from you had assumed that it was Bokuto from the voice which you had heard so many times from Kuroo's headset or phone. "YOU KNOW I WOULDN'T MISS ONE OF YOUR PARTIES" Kuroo had also screamed to try and be louder than the music. "I'M GUESSING THIS IS Y/N" he looked at you while talking to Kuroo "YOU'VE GUESSED CORRECT." Bokuto took your free hand as your other one was still holding Kuroo's "NICE TO FINALLY MEET YOU Y/N, KUROO TALKS ABOUT YOU ALLLLL THE TIME" you giggled at the sentence and looked over at your boyfriend who was blushing. "HOW ABOUT I GET YOU GUYS SOME PUNCH" he walked over to a large bowl that had cups near it, "I wonder what he made this year" Kuroo had whispered in your ear "He always makes something different each year" Bokuto came back with a cup in each hand and handed them to both of you. He whispered something in Kuroos ear and looked at you, you took a sip and were shocked at the taste "WHAT IS THIS, ITS SO GOOD" both Bokuto and Kuroo laughed at you "ITS MONSTER AND VODKA, I LET TANAKA AND NOYA FROM KARASUNO DO THE DRINKS THIS YEAR" (no i do not condone underage drinking, please don't do it) . You and Kuroo walked into the large living room where most of the people were, the music was even louder and there were people from teams you've never seen before; you followed Kuroo around while he said hi to people while looking for Lev and Yaku. You felt someone tap your shoulder and turned around "LEV" you let go of Kuroo's hand and jumped to give him a hug. "I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO BE HERE" he was dressed up as a mad scientist "ME TOO." Kuroo turned around and noticed you talking to Lev and yaku "HEY LETS GO DANCE" with that the four of you went and danced with many others.

     "GATHER AROUND EVERYONE" Bokuto had yelled and turned down the music "It is time for the annual Halloween hide and seek. The rules for any newcomers, we can only stay on this street, that includes the park nearby, the year ones are the seekers while everyone else are hiders. Seekers you have to touch both teamates for them to be considered found. YOU HAVE TO GET BACK TO THE HOUSE AND ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE BOX AND WHAT PLACE YOU CAME IN TO GET THE PRIZE. NOW GET INTO YOUR PAIRS." You looked at Kuroo with a smug look, he already knew. 

     "READY" you and Kuroo got ready to run out of the house from the back door, "SET" you both looked back at Lev pouting because he had to be a seeker "GO." The second Bokuto said that word you both ran as fast as you could to the park and started climbing up a tree "Who knew you could climb a tree so well in a dress" Kuroo said looking down at you from the branch above, "There's a lot of things I could do in a dress." After a minute or two Bokuto sent a text to all of the hiders saying the seekers have been released. " Ready" Kuroo asked "Ready" and you both started to climb back down the tree. You two were hiding behind cars and weaving out of the seekers sight. "This is a piece of cake" you claimed as the two of you were getting closer to the house. "Uh oh" you looked in front of you and saw a group of seekers, there were at least five. "How do we get past this" you asked Kuroo "I genuinely have no idea" Kuroo then saw a bunch of other people running towards the seekers "Like that apparently" they had distracted the seekers and made a clear pathway straight for the house. You two started running as fast as you could but one of the seekers, Lev, had spotted you and started chasing after you "KUROO, RUN" he looked back and saw Lev chasing you two. He had stopped suddenly and crouched down "GET ON" you jumped onto his back and he kept running. Once you had made it into the house Lev had given up and Kuroo entered your names into the box along with your placing.

     "Congrats to everyone who made it back. I will now be going through the winners. In third place we have Suguru Daishou and Mika Yamaka" claps came from everyone in the room "Second Ryuunosuke Tanaka and Shimizu Kiyoko" more clapping "AND WHAT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR, OUR FIRST PLACE WINNERS. F/N L/N (first name last name) AND TETSURO KUROO" more clapping. You two had won a large bag of candy and were debating eating it right then and there "Wanna get out of here, go back to my place" you nodded and watched Kuroo walk to Bokuto. He had told him you guys were leaving because you were tired. You said your goodbyes and left with your bag of candy.

     "Kuroo can you hand me a twix" you threw a wrapper into the trash bag that was on the table "You just ate six of them, eat something else" you pouted "I don't want anything else, I want twix." Kuroo sighed and handed you another twix, you two have eat half of the bag and have watched two movies "I think it's time I pick the movie" Kuroo had grabbed the remote from your hand and put on a scary movie, he grabbed you and laid you down on top of him with the blanket covering you. It was about 30 minutes into the movie and nothing has scared you yet, "Kuroo are you sure this is a scary mov-" right as you were saying your sentence, there was a large jump scare that made you jump, you heard Kuroo groan "Don't move like that again or we're gonna have a problem" you blushed and continued watching the movie. Another jump scare occurred and you jumped once again "Y/n.." you looked up at Kuroo and he seemed a bit annoyed "yes" you answered hesitantly "What did I say" he sat up making you sit up as well "I don't know" you thought it would be a good idea to mess with him. He grabbed your chin and looked you directly in the eyes "What did I say" he seemed frustrated, you didn't answer. He pinned you to the couch looking into your eyes still. "Not to move" he let go of your wrists and started to get up "Good girl." You both went to finish the movie and you soon fell asleep. Kuroo soon noticed and carried you up to his bedroom "Good night y/n" Kuroo said as he planted a kiss on your forehead. He laid next to you and fell asleep as well.

AND THATS IT, I might make some spicy one shots once I make the official one shot book so you guys can look forward to that, but for now Master the court is the main priority, once again happy Halloween or happy Saturday!-adri            


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