Part 6 ~Day Five~

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     "Y/n get up" Kuroo was shaking you while sitting on the floor "What~" you slightly opened your eyes "What time is it? Why are you on the floor?" you looked at Kuroo still staring at you "Well it's 2 am" he responded looking at his phone "And why did you wake me up?" you closed your eyes again "Well I was still up and I wanted to go to the park" he placed his head right next to yours "You won't move until we do huh?" you could feel him shake his head no. You had started to get up "Fine, but what are we even gonna do there" he quickly got up after you, "We could play hide and seek and I could push you on the swings" you noticed he was shirtless, even though it was dark you could see the definition of his abs "I never knew you were so childish" you looked around taking in your surroundings. You were in the living room, the tv and all the lights were off, there was a pillow propped up against the couch with a video game controller and headset right next to it, there was a pillow on the couch along with a blanket that you had just moved off of your body. "Well we can't do anything else, all the places are closed" you had walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water "Hey Kuroo, where's my phone" he walked into the kitchen and placed it on the counter "I put it on the charger, Lev wouldn't stop texting you" he sounded annoyed. You unlocked your phone to see all the texts from Lev, you could feel Kuroo looking over your shoulder as you responded "Is it absolutely necessary to read my texts with Lev" you looked at him dead in the eyes "Yes it is, gotta protect my y/n from, as you call him, the long cat" you blushed at the fact that he said 'my y/n'. "I'm gonna go get a shirt for me and some shorts for you so we can leave" you nodded and watched him walk up the stairs.

     "Kuroo~ Do you have any soda?" you yelled up the stairs, he came down quickly afterwards "In the fridge like normal" he gave a snarky remark "Why didn't you just get it yourself" he grabbed a soda out of the fridge and handed it to you "Cause I didn't know you had any" you grabbed the soda and the shorts out of his hand. He walked into the living room and you started to put on the shorts he brought back, they were baggy at the top but luckily they had a jaw-string. Kuroo came back in with his phone "Ready to go" you grabbed the can of soda and followed Kuroo to the door "Want a piggyback ride?" Kuroo had already locked the door and had started walking "Is that even a question" you out the unopend can in the pocket of his pant and walked behind him putting your hands on his shoulders. Unlike last time, he squatted down and picked you up, adjusting as he stood back up. "Comfy? It might take a while" he started to walk again and you nodded your head yes against his neck, because you were still tired you had laid your head on his shoulder with your face in the crook of his neck. You could feel his neck start to heat up "S-still tired?" he stuttered "Mhm" you hummed into his neck "You can take a nap while we walk" you adjusted your head so that it was resting as comfortable as it could and closed your eyes.

Kuroo's pov

     After a few minutes you felt y/n's breathing slow and her body became heavier indicating that she was asleep, the last time you had felt her heart beat against you was the first time she spent the night. Remembering correctly y/n was just a friend at that time and you hadn't felt any serious emotion towards y/n, but now that you had spent more time with her, you had come to grow feelings for her. The whole walk to the park you were wondering if y/n had any feelings towards you. You were brought out of your thoughts hearing y/n move her head on your shoulder causing you to realize you guys had made it to the park. "Y/n" you started to shake her a bit after she didn't respond "Y/n we're here" she was slowly waking up and started to rub her eyes. You waited till she was fully awake and placed her down on the ground "What do you wanna do" you watched her rub the sleep from her eyes "You're the one who dragged me here, you pick" you started to walk over the the swing set and motioned for y/n to sit. She walked over to the swing you were standing behind and sat down grabbing hold of the metal chains, you grabbed her waist and started walking forward till you could no longer, you then started walking back and counted "1." You jogged forward this time scaring y/n a little bit with the sudden movement "2" she held onto the chains tighter "3" you yelled out and ran underneath her lifting her above your head. When she came back down you looked at her laughing face and noticed how beautiful she looked while happy, you brought yourself out of your thoughts and went behind the swing again and pushed her. 

Y/n's pov

     "I didn't expect the swings to be so fun" you laid on the cold grass looking at the stars trying to find the brightest one "What are you looking for" Kuroo laid next to you "The brightest star since the sun is down" you continued looking "Your the brightest star" Kuroo mumbled expecting you not to hear. "What did you say" you looked at him to see him still looking at the stars, "Thank you" you said while looking back at the stars all though you couldn't see it Kuroo was blushing hard, you moved closer to him to feel his body heat. "I'm cold" you whined out "Wanna go back" you looked at Kuroo in an admiring manner, he had his hands behind his head and let you put your head on his elbow "Not yet" you two sat in silence. "Y/n" Kuroo spoke up "Yes Kuroo" you responded still looking at him "How do you feel about me?" he was still looking at the sky "I think your super cool an-" you started. "No, how do you really feel about me" you understood what he was trying to say "I-I like you, like a lot but" he looked down at you "But-" you looked back at the sky "But you probably don't like me back" you sighed and felt Kuroo get off the ground "Come on, we're going back" you followed and walked behind Kuroo regretting the fact that you told him. 

     When you two made it back to his house you went to lay on the couch "Y/n where are you going" Kuroo called out from the stairs "To lay down" you pointed at the couch, he walked to where you were standing, wrapped your arm round his neck and picked you up bridal style "Kuroo what are you doing" he started to walk up the stairs, he didn't respond, instead he brought you to his room,placed you down on his bed, and took his shirt off. You tried to get up but Kuroo pushed you onto your back and hovered above you, he had a devilish grin on his face that you couldn't imagine seeing "Kuroo just let me sleep on the couch" you had started to move your hands up to Kuroo's shoulders to move him "That's not gonna happen chibi-chan~" he pinned your hands to the bed and dragged out the insult "Why not, it'll be better for both of us" you were starting to blush and it was getting hard to hide it. "It's not like you like me if i sle-" your words were cut off by Kuroo kissing you. You were blushing insanely hard, Kuroo noticed and started to laugh at you "Just go to sleep y/n" he had let go of your hands and had started to move off of you. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down onto the bed right next to you "I won't be able to sleep if you aren't near" he lightly smiled at you and laid on his back pulling you on top of him. Once you laid comfortably on Kuroo he kissed the top of your head "Good night y/n" you closed your eyes and made sure you could hear his heartbeat "Good night Kuroo."

1469 words, this chapter is shorter than the others sorry about that but a lot happened so I hope that makes up for it. I'm also considering making a one shot story but I don't know which characters I should use if you guys have any recommendations let me know, that's all!-adri<3                        

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