chapter 10

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 “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.” ~ Fight Club, Tyler Durden

Kara's Pov
(Check 4 Esoteric to see the person portraying Kara)

"Thank you Ryan and every one else for being here, you really didn't have to do this," I said happily.

"Oh no worries kiddo. I am glad that you,Aiden are going to the same college where Elijah is," said Ryan.

So I am starting my college life, Aiden and I are in same college where Elijah is our senior. 4 Esoteric are in different collage yet they still meet each other often. Elijah is here in London where as Ryan and Caeser are in US and Carl is in Italy for their college.

"Can't believe that 2 months have already passed since we started college," said Aiden.

"I know," I replied.

"Are you excited?" Aiden suddenly asked.

"For what?," I asked not remembering anything.

"Kara your birthday is in a week," he said.

"Oh yes," I said getting excited.

"So still the same plan," he asked.

"Yeah," I said.
In an hour it is my birthday, I am missing everyone.

Ding I heard my phone notification go off.

Ryan:Hey Kara, Happy Birthday sorry to wish you like this. I know we always celebrates each other birthdays together but I don't think I could make this year. I have to go this stupid island for some work with poor connection so won't be in touch with you. One again sorry and Happy Birthday.

Reading this message made me sad, I have never thought that I would celebrate my birthday without Ryan. I so hate him but I know it's not his fault. I don't want to celebrate my birthday .

Since I put my phone on mute I didn't know about a message from Elijah and a missed call from Aiden. I opened Elijah's message.

Elijah: Heard from Ryan that he won't be there but don't you worry we both will celebrate.

And this message did bring a smile back. Yes, I am sad about Ryan not being here but I will be spending my time with Elijah.

Then I called Aiden

"Hi Aiden ........ Thank you so much and sure ......yeah....... okay......bye,"

He is still the first person to wish me on my birthday exactly at 12 am.

God I am just so excited for tomorrow , can't wait to know how Elijah has planned my birthday.
Author's Note:
Guys, it's my second book I request you all to give it a try.
Guys, if you like my work do vote and comment.
You can also message me about your views and comments.
I don't own any photos it's from Google.
Do write your opinion to tell me & thanks for reading my work.
I won't keep it long and boring so tata

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