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           Back then, he constantly said "swear" like it was his favourite word to utter. Sometimes, I felt like he promised that he would stay, but he left one day—sent his goodbye and never returned. I wanted to ask him but now he just exist in my memoirs. I always drag him in every figment of imagination I make. I unfailingly think of him at any circumstances even we're miles apart.

           I sometimes thought if you think of me too? What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night—upset and feeling blue? Do you still read the stars that tells my untold stories? I hope you won't, because it tells how much I missed you.

          I wonder if all of this is wrong—missing someone who isn't around anymore.

          But I realize that there is no way anymore. Even if it break my heart a million times, even if it hurts like a billion prick thrust in my heart, I would still find the cosmos where I belong. Even though people are keep telling that you deserve someone better, we will always have a thing for unfinished conversation. I would still choose you all over again.

           I know it would be hard to start over again with bare foot full of wounds and bruises but eventually, I'll be fine once more. But please hand me my heart even if its not in good shape and Ill return to you all of our good memories together—the marks you left in my whole being—I'll give them all back to you.

silent scream, loud thoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now