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         I could feel my chest crushed in realization that he wasn't with me anymore. Everything looks and feel dark and bleak. I could feel the nothingness washing over me like a cold wave. The stress, sadness, anger, they were the things that weighing on me that threathen me I'll break if I let them in. I didn't know having your heart broken could be this hurt so much. I didnt know how much I could take this pain before I break.

         I miss him. I miss his morning kisses. I miss how we spend our days during weekends. I miss how we'd lay together, wrapped up into each other's arms. I miss having him.

          Without him was like a missing piece of myself and all that is left is an excruciating pain and emptiness. I was like I didn't have a purpose anymore, he was my reason for so many things and now he's gone. I wish everything could go back to the way it was.

silent scream, loud thoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now