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i was drowning with insecurities, anxiety, and frustration when you came and offered me a boat. i didn't expect someone who will paddle a boat just to lift me from drowning, but you came. you gave me a jacket and hugged me tight as long as you can that eventually became my warmth and safe zone. you made me experience life again, that once robbed form me. you told me sweet encouraging words that made me love myself again. with you, i feel complete again.

but in our lives, we met someone who will made us feel worthy and worthless. and sometimes we experienced it with the same person.

along the way of soaring in the ocean, i conceive you will choose to ride a yacht during thunderstorm, and you did. you're with me only when the ocean is calm and leave when the waves are going wild. you really didn't want to stay. because if willingness is in your soul, you wouldn't left me with a broken boat and choose to ride a fancy yacht.

(ps. please give a feedback on this T.T)

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