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i never regret having you as my first love,  first kiss, first hug, first holding hand, and the first person im with in my adventures.

i never regret telling you— my whole life story, on how hopeless and boring it is, my insecurities, the secrets i hide to people close to me, i never hesitate to tell it to you.

i never regret telling you— my favorites, the book i never get tired to read, the songs i listen over and over again, the movie i cried for, the food i crave every night to full my tummy and to comfort my heart and mind, and the things that makes me comfortable with.

i never regret telling you— how's my day went by, crying on your shoulders when things gets rough, walking with you every night to calm the wild ocean inside me, and even asking you to sing a song because your voice feels magical to me.

lastly, i never regret that you're my first heartbreak. you made me feel you're my home, my companion, my soldier, and the  prince i will never had for the rest of my life.

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