Chapter 24

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Hello little fishies, Sally wants me to tell you all that she is just so thankful for reading this, and the she really, really loves when people comment. Now, on with the show!!!!

Liam's POV


“I tried to Victoria! It’s not my fault that my god daughter is damn stubborn! But she did it to protect these boys! Unlike you, she has a sense of loyalty” James yelled out. The whole room seemed to have frozen as he said that.

Let me recap, once the adults had gotten here, they introduced themselves to us and told us they didn’t need an introduction as to who we were. They smiled slightly as we all shook hands. We led them to the lounge where Paul and James told them everything, the death threats, the kidnapping; the note Ali sent, the blood trail, everything. When James told Ali’s family about Ali coming to him and telling him everything, they literally spent the next three hours arguing with James.

I was confused as to what they were talking about but Victoria’s grey eyes turned ice cold. She stormed out the room. Her new husband, Mark, followed her out of the room to go comfort her. Ali’s biological father, Joseph, had a silent conversation with James.

“You could’ve sent her in blind so I’m thankful to you” Joseph said gruffly.

They both shook hands. Joseph’s eyes wet with tears. His black thinning hair messed up even more as he ran his hand through it. His turquoise eyes gleamed with sadness.

“I am going out for a while. I need to drown my sorrows” He said to James. James nodded and let Joseph leave. Once Joseph left, he ordered a guard to go and look after him. Oliver went out to follow him.

Dianne and Andrew were Kate’s parents. They seemed to get along well with Louis. Dianne had soft brown hair like Kate and rich hazel eyes. I could see the resemblance. Her father was slightly taller than her mother. He had dark hair and green eyes. He stood as if he was in the army preparing for war. They both laughed at Louis’ successful attempt to cheer them up.

Bridget’s parents were being comforted by Niall. Claire has long blonde hair neatly put up in a bun. Her crystal blue eyes flowed with tears. She had an athletic build about her that made her seem stronger than how she felt. Her husband, George, was sitting beside her, trying to stop the tears. He had black hair with slight grey wisps in them. He held Claire closer to him as she cried. Niall told them about their ice-cream fight at the beach and how Bridget saved his life. They cracked a small smile as he told them this.

Victoria and Mark came back into the room.

Victoria’s dyed blonde hair was in a messy pony tail that came to the back of her neck. She had a nice body frame as well, possibly from all the exercise she does. Her body seemed weaker after hearing what James said to her. Mark had blond hair and green eyes. His body was athletic looking but not to the point of extreme. He led Victoria over to the couch as she cried.

James went back upstairs as if to go get something. He caught my eyes and nodded. I followed him up a few minutes later. He knew I had questions and he wanted to answer them.

I found him in my room sitting on my desk chair. I knocked on the door and walked in. James looked up to me and smiled and nodded to the bed.

“You have questions” He said to me. It wasn’t a question but a statement.

“You have answers” I replied sarcastically. He laughed lowly.

“You want to know why I said that to Ali’s mum, am I right?” He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I nodded; I wanted to know everything about this family as I hoped to stay in this family for a little while longer.

“Victoria cheated on Joseph when Ali was ten. Victoria begged Ali not to tell but Ali told Joseph anyway. They got a divorce three months later. Joseph fell into depression and forced Ali to go live with her mother. Ali’s younger brother, Kane, stayed with her dad over in Australia. Victoria got remarried to Mark. Victoria’s family didn’t know about her cheating and if they did, she would be cut off from Ali’s grandparent’s inheritance money. Ali used that threat to convince her parents to let her go onto the trip and got them to pay for the rent” James told me.

I let this all sink in and I realized exactly what James meant now. I also knew Ali was manipulative. I sent a mental prayer to god that Ali’s manipulation skills kept them alive until we found them.

At that moment, James phone rang.

“Hannah, tell me you have something?” James asked as he answered the call. He left the room to go into the lounge. I quickly followed him, wanting to hear from this Hannah if anything was found. He walked into the lounge where several other CIA agents were and Paul. The parents came in too, desperate to hear any news resolving their daughters.

“It may not be anything but I did background checks on any companies that had a sold or owned a Black van and one popped. An agency called RENTAL-4-U, sold a black van to a male that other day. The man that brought it was Agent Roy.” Hannah said.

“and this has got to do with our investigation how?” One of the CIA agents asked. His name was Daniel if I recalled correctly.

“It’s just the fact is Agent Daniel, I crossed check the tire patterns from the van the Roy brought and the van that took the girls and there was a match. Barely there but I got it” Hannah said proudly.

“What does Agent Roy have to do with this? He’s on a mission over in Afghanistan though!” Peter, another Agent said.

“I don’t know! I’m trying to sort this out as well Peter! I got to go. Good luck boys” She said before hanging up. James immediately went into action.

“Ross, Peter and Gabriel, you will go to agent Roy’s house and check it out. Make sure you are protected as well. Roy is a dangerous man” James warned. Three agents nodded and walked out of the room, strapping up their bullet proof vests.

“What’s going to happen now?” Harry asked James. We all snapped up to James as he sighed.

“We wait for them to get back… and pray that there are answers at Roy’s house.” James said.

“And if there aren’t?” Claire asked weakly. James didn’t say anything but look at the ground so Paul answered for him.

“Then we’re back at square one and hope that the kidnappers make a mistake” Paul said.

I picked up a vase and threw into the wall in anger. I felt Zayn come up behind me and hug me as I cried. Louis had gone down the hall to throw up. Harry collapsed onto the couch and Niall was being comforted by Bridget’s parents.

“We can only pray that there are some answers at Roy’s place” James said after a few minutes.

Pray. I have been doing that a lot lately.

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