Chapter 29

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See??? I told you I'd update the rest today :P but it's not the end yet!!!!!!! keep reading my lovely little fishies, and please don't forget to comment!!!!!!

Bridget's POV

I saw the lady shove a gun under Ali’s throat. Kate and I watch in horror as the lady slapped Ali. Ali grinned, ignoring the pain.

We were so much worse off than what Nick had said we would be. Kate got cut on an artery and was bleeding pretty badly. Her face badly bruised and cut. She was paler than ever before, slowly going in and out of consciousness. We tried to keep her from falling into consciousness by talking to her. Every move I made consumed my body in pain but if it meant keeping Kate alive, I would do it.

Ali had multiple cuts on her body from being stabbed. There was a horrible gash above her forehead that didn’t stop dripping blood. As for me, I had a horrible stab wound in my chest. I was thankful that I had the sense to move at the last second to stop him from stabbing me in the heart.

At the moment, we were on our way to another location. I had caught a glimpse of James and Niall. We caught eye contact for a second and I felt a sense of relief until the doors slammed and we drove off. I felt content seeing Niall again until we had taken off. I wanted to kick the door down and see Niall but I stayed for Kate and Ali.

“How the hell did they find you?” the lady sneered. Ali laughed at the lady.


“You don’t know when you’re finished do you?” Ali asked her mockingly. The lady shoved her gun causing Ali to wince. The lady grinned, apparently satisfied.

“I know when I’m finished Ali but I still want my money” The lady said with a smile.

“Why do you need three million dollars?” Ali hissed out. Kate and I looked at each other, Kate’s eyes struggling to stay open.

“I just want a million dollars” The lady said with a grin.

“Why us though? Why not Angelina or Brad Pitt?” Ali asked.

“That’s a little bit personal to us” The lady said looking at the other two people. They nodded and they pulled off their ski masks. I gasped in recognition.


There was another man that we didn’t know but Ali recognized him. She glared at him with full force he winced slightly under her glare. She turned to look at Danielle mockingly sweet.

“Why, having your lover tag along too? How sweet” Ali mock cooed. Danielle’s face contorted with rage. I instantly knew who she was talking about! Marcus, Danielle’s dance instructor!

“How dare you-?” she began but Ali cut her off with a laugh.

“How dare I?! How about how dare you?! You cheated on Liam who was the sweetest boyfriend to you.” Ali sneered. Wow, Ali really did have a death wish. Danielle lashed out, knocking Ali unconscious. She turned to us.

“Say anything and I will put a bullet in your head” she said.


I tried to keep Kate awake and tried to ignore the stabbing pains on my body. It felt as if my body was on fire every time I moved! I tried to ignore the pain to help my friends. It’s something called Determination mixed in with Loyalty Peoples! Sue me if you don’t like it! I slowly went to Ali in hopes she wasn’t knocked out that badly. She was breathing very softly. It wasn’t exactly normal, but it was still there. I sighed in relief before tapping Kate consistently on her cheek.

“Come on Kate, stay awake” I begged.

“Five more minutes mum” She mumbled, her eyes almost closed. I began to panic. I can not let her fall into the light!

“NOT FIVE MINUTES! NOW” I hissed into her ear.

She woke up slightly more and threw up next to herself and thankfully not on me! She moaned in pain and I knew it was not just because of the stabbings that she was like this.

“…He got a blood infection…” I remember Ali saying a few weeks ago.

I sat up sharply and turned to Kate who was lying near her own pool of vomit, her eyes closed, faint breathing. Her forehead covered in sweat! I cursed to myself. I cursed Danielle, Eleanor and Marcus and whoever the hell that other guy was! It was thanks to them that Kate was now like this.

“Damn it Kate, keep fighting it woman! Don’t give up on me!” I begged to her. She mumbled something and I knew she was fighting.

“Shut up” Eleanor snarled. I growled at her.

“Kate is dying and needs medical help god damn it!” I snapped at her. Marcus turned pale.

“Dying?” He asked concern in his voice.

“Yes dying you idiot! Get us to a hospital!” I hissed out. He looked at Eleanor and Danielle.

“You have a choice, attempted murder or murder. There is a damn twenty year difference!” I said to them, hoping they would listen to me. Danielle shook her head. Eleanor laughed

“But we won’t get caught” Danielle said with a grin looking lovingly on Marcus. He smiled back but his eyes held disgust. He didn’t want to go to jail for murder and now just realized how cold hearted Danielle was.

We drove in silence with me checking Kate’s pulse; it was getting weaker and weaker as time went on. I prayed that we would be rescued shortly and Kate can be saved. Ali told us about a similar thing happened to a man in Norway, he lived and I prayed that Kate will too.

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