Chapter 25

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Meh, can't be bothered writing an A/N this time, because I just posted like three other chapters. Sorry!

Peter's POV

I have only met Ali, Kate and Bridget once when I went to visit James at his house two years ago. They had made a very lasting impression on me. I had always that James was all work no play. But these girls proved me wrong when I came into the middle of a water gun fight between James and his wife and the girls.  The girls and I quickly became acquainted with each other and got along really well. When James called me and told me the girls were taken, I quickly packed my bags and got the first flight over here with Oliver, Ross, Gabriel and Frank. We owed James a lot since he save dour children back two years ago and now it was our turn to help out.

We slowly turned into Agent Roy’s house. It was nice house with its white fence and beautiful garden area. Gabriel and Ross took the back while I took the front. We decided on a soft entry as we were driving here. We didn’t want to surprise Agent Roy. I slowly picked the lock of the front door and walked in.

I help my gun up in front of me and checked several rooms, including the bathrooms. I saw a laptop on the bed in Roy’s bedroom.

“Agent Peter! We have something” I heard Gabriel say from down the hall, quickly checking the other rooms and declaring them empty, I went into the where Ross and Gabriel were standing in to TV room.

I looked at them confused before pointing to the floor in front of the couch. I looked over and what I saw almost made me pass out. One the floor was Agent Roy but it wasn’t the Agent Roy I knew. There at least twenty stab wounds in the chest and a finger severed off. I felt sick at the amount of blood surrounding Roy. There were small bit marks on his arm that came from rats as well as many bruises.

“What the hell happened to him?” I asked horrified.

“Stab wound indicate severe damage done to his lungs, Blood flowed into the lungs and he died. The bruises on his arm indicate that he didn’t go without a fight” Ross said.

“Gabriel go call James, tell him what we found.” I said. He nodded and went outside to make the call.

“How long has he been dead for?” I asked Ross. He had a little bit of experience in the medical world, as his father was a forensic analysis.

“About two weeks. No one bothered to look for him as he was supposed to be over in Afghanistan.” Ross said, mentally kicking himself.

“The van wasn’t purchased two weeks ago though” I said with a frown. Ross’s eyes widened as he realized what I was getting at.

“You think someone stole his identity?” Ross asked. I nodded. Gabriel came back into the room looking emotionally destroyed. He and Roy had gotten along really well back at the headquarters.

“It makes sense having Roy dead, the killer could become Roy. Learning fighting techniques is easy if you know where to go. As for CIA training techniques, he could’ve tortured Roy… but in his last defence he may have told a lie about the blood trail.” Gabriel said realization coming onto his face.

“Call James again and go with this theory. What I’m more concerned about is the finger… why take a damn finger?” Ross said to Gabriel.

I had to agree with him… why the finger? That’s when I remembered the laptop in the bedroom. I raced into there and opened up the laptop and what I saw almost made me throw up. Right beside the laptop was the finger… and dried blood on the laptop. I picked up the finger; feeling disgusted and swiped it onto the computer as identification.

The computer let me in immediately; I searched all the files until I came to one that said ‘FAMILY TRIP (4 MONTHS SINCE LAST UPDATED)’. I was confused to the edge. Roy didn’t have any family…. So why would this be here? I opened up the folder to see a range of photos of two girls in America. They seemed to be talking to each other, grinning at each other before arguing about something. I faxed the photos to James asking him if knew who these girls were.

The next few photos made me feel sick, they were of the girls again but with One Direction. What the hell were they doing in the photos with the boys? And why exactly was Roy taking photos of them? I frowned as I tried to put the answers together. The next few photos were articles about the break up between Louis and his ex-girlfriend Eleanor. And another article on Liam and Danielle’s break up. I frowned. Roy would not have left this on his computer if he did not intend to use it.

I sent of the rest of the photos to Hannah and to James and walked over to Gabriel and Ross with the laptop and showed them the photos. They agreed with me that this was not normal for Roy.

“We searched for the Van. It’s not here” Gabriel said shortly. I knew he was taking this hard. Roy was his first friend in the agency.

“Let’s head on back to James and the others. I’m taking the laptop so Hannah can take a look at it when she gets here” I said to them.

We called the necessary people and left as soon as they arrived, while Ross rattled off details to them and asked them to contact any living relatives etc.

Gabriel was quiet on our way home. I understood what it was like to lose a friend in the agency. I had lost my fiancée, Jane, when she was killed when she was on a mission over in New York. She had died peacefully they claimed but I didn’t believe them.

“Whoever is part of this is linked to the boys, their ex-girlfriends and Roy” I said to them.

“What I am worried about is how. Roy isn’t the type to just abandon a mission.” Ross said with confusion evident in his voice.

“This is also a diplomatic crisis. When the CIA find out that Roy wasn’t killed in Afghanistan but here in the UK, there is going to be a diplomatic war” Gabriel said. I nodded in agreement.

We got back to the house in no time. James was already there waiting for us.

“Roy is dead?” He asked, his voice slightly cracked with emotion. We nodded trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.

“Let’s get these sons of bitches” I growled and we all looked at each other determinedly before heading back inside, desperate to get the girls back, but also determined for revenge for our friend Roy.

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