Chapter 7

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Jack quickly tapped in the entry code for the lab on the glass pane beside the door, seeing the picture he had taken of her from the dinner become visible. Everyone else's pictures in the security system were very official looking portraits, but Jack had never been comfortable with trying to look nice. After her picture appeared, her name presented itself underneath it.

Daniels, Brin D.

Stark hadn't been slacking with that one.

The door released and opened at her touch, letting her in where Bruce and Tony were working. In his normal uniform of an 80s band tee (today, Quiet Riot), Tony was resting against a bench, arms folded over his chest.

"I asked for you five minutes ago."

"I'm not used to receiving messages on my wristwatch, Stark."

He cocked an eyebrow at this, waiting for Jack to notice what was behind him. It finally caught her eye and she walked forward; her eyes wide in surprise at what she saw.

"What the hell..." Her voice trailed off.

"That, Cheddar Jack, is what you'll be wearing when you're asked to put on your big girl pants. I didn't think you would, as my spiderling calls it, vibe, with Cap's stars and stripes-style gear, and Romanoff is very... gothic, I think would be the word. I wanted you to be a mix of both, plus Navy matches your Manchurian Candidate boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Right. Platonic face-sucking on my good, wholesome, American kitchen bench is what best friends do." He teased, gesturing for the glass in front of them to disappear. Jack turned her head slowly with a frosty glare at Tony who just winked at her. She shook her head and looked back at the now open display cabinet. Inside on a plastic mannequin was a deep navy bodysuit of lycra, canvas covering target areas. Jack took in the details. A high neck with two metallic silver stripes meeting across her chest in a deep v, an invisible zip down the front for her to get in and out of it, the same silver V across her waistline, with navy panels of canvas and lyrca in different places for stretch and protection, the legs canvas-covered excepts for lycra strips for bending and running. At the end of the arms were silver and navy fingerless gloves, metallic pads on the palm. Conductive.

"Looks unassuming, but Banner and I have worked our magic. Try it on." He encouraged, the glass cabinet disappearing completely and leaving the outfit on wire framing. Around her, walls spring up from the floor to her eyeline, enough so they couldn't see anything. Jack carefully removed her shoes and ripped jeans and pulled the suit over her legs, happy that there was a slight bagginess to them. She then pulled her shirt over her head and heaved the suit up and tucked herself into it, zipping it up just over her chest, leaving the top open while she got used to the fabric and fit. She raised her hands above her head in a wave.

"I'm decent!" She called Bruce and Tony turning back around as the walls melted away on Tony's gesturing command. She stood, feeling a little insecure at both their eyes on her. She looked past them to her reflection in the glass panelling of the windows and door.

"How did you get it to fit? Raiding my wardrobe while I sleep?"

"You think I'd let you put on one of my iron man suits and not have it remember your measurements for future reference? Who do you think I am?" Tony quipped, walking over and steering Jack by her shoulders towards the door.

"Training room time. We have some playing around to do that my expensive toys shouldn't be exposed to."

Tony and Bruce took her in the elevator up to the gym floor, walking her in and straight past the equipment to the empty space on the other side the size of a basketball court. Bruce was the first to talk.

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