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The stained-glass panels decorating the front door of 13 Ludwig-Jahn-Straße echoed a familiarity to the woman ringing the doorbell. The crystal-clear tune of Mozart echoing on the other side startled the residents, all of whom were sat at the kitchen table eating dinner. The man, a charming middle-aged blonde fellow, reassured his wife that he would get it and strode his way to the dor. Upon opening it and seeing the red-haired woman on the other side, his stomach twisted ad shifted. He had seen her every day, in almost every room of the house, immortalised in photographs protected by frames and panes of glass, with little difference to be found between the images and the woman standing in expectant silence.

"Ich suche Charlie Adler." Brin informed, a heavy accent rolling off her tongue as she told this man she was looking for Charlie. At the sound of her name, Charlie rose from her seat, the impossibility that she had heard the right voice drawing her around the corner. As the white light bouncing from the snow outside hit her face, Charlie froze with her hand over her mouth, unable to look at anything other than what she believed to be a ghost.

In silence, Brin walked through the door and encased her sister, whispering "Ich bin zu Hause" as the woman collapsed into her, sobbing heavy into her shoulder. Brin couldn't help but cry with her, a lost piece of her soul finally finding sanctuary. 

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