9. Decisions, decisions

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You know how I said that going to a new world wasn't so bad? I was wrong. Horribly, terribly wrong. Devastatingly wrong. Now that you know what my mental condition is currently, we can move forward. My mother had brought me back to Luke's apartment after having a plate of waffles.

The lady had a crazy addiction to waffles and ate two plates of it. Serious sweet tooth. Guess it's where I got my sweet tooth from but I wasn't addicted to waffles like she is. I like candy. Unhealthy amounts of candy.

The moment we dropped back into the couches back at the apartment so did the others. What time was it? Sure we were in Greece when we ate waffles but it was early morning there. It should be night time considering we were here last around late evening.

I spotted a wall clock showing it was nine pm. Luke and Sam looked dazed beside me. Their fathers on the other hand looked quite satisfied with themselves. Guess it went well on their half. Suddenly leaving this place and going to stay in a castle with a hella lot of responsibilities didn't sound like a good idea. I'm being gentle with my adjectives here. I was freaking out! I barely saw my father on a daily basis as it is. I wasn't ready to stop seeing him altogether.

Sure, my mother said that we could open portals and come visit him. But let's face it. I read books too, you know. I've read how taking on new duties and shifting to some new place can leave you no time to go back to your old life. I'm seventeen for shit's sake. I'm not some princess who's ready to lay claim to some throne or other bullshit.

It was my summer break and I planned on sleeping all day. I didn't want to go become some princess or a damsel in distress who stayed in a palace and had servants at her beck and call. Although that sounded like a good idea.... Focus!

I wasn't a damsel in distress. I didn't need to be one to get things done. I was perfectly capable of doing them myself. This didn't seem like a damsel in distress thing though. Mother dearest did mention being in charge of the navy. But the thing about that was who was going to follow a seventeen year old leading the navy? How was I supposed to know how the navy worked? Of course I would need to learn that but it was my summer break! (Insert whiny voice) I didn't want to study. I was done with high school.

Everyone was back to their senses and I could sense some conversation was going to take place now.

I was right. Archer was the one to break the silence.

"What have you decided to do now?" He asked.

Sam and Luke looked at me sitting in the middle with a clueless look on their face and shrugged. I sighed. Clearly I would have to be the one to talk.

"I think we would like to know a little more in detail what all would happen if we decided to come to your place." I answered.

"Well firstly, you would start training." Jonah said.

"After training, you would choose a weapon. It would be yours to command and no one else could wield it. It would be named by you and officially announced as yours." Alora said.

"Then you would be put in charge of your factions in the military and be named as the leader of those after getting approved by your factions." Archer said.

"It's cute how you guys talk in a line after each other." I pointed out. Don't look at me, I was nervous as hell and babbling at this point.

"I know right!" Luke exclaimed beside me.

"Then you would be accepted as heirs to the throne and named as such in front of the council. You would be given quests to solidify your place above the council as a test." Jonah explained.

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