Chapter 3: Sofie

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Charlie was slightly annoyed at Brandon. He had been rude to most people they passed in their travels thus far.

"Bran, could you try to be a little more polite?"

"Why? I didn't notice myself being impolite at any point."

"Want me to make a list? A couple passed us and said 'Good afternoon' and you said 'Yeah, whatever'. Not to mention how you talked to that girl in the forest after winning. Plus..."

"I get it. But what's wrong about the way I acted?"

"You've been stuck at home for far too long."

Soon came along Kyle, with someone else, surprising Charlie and Brandon, seen as it was the girl they battled in the forest.

"Kyle, what the hell is she doing with you?!"

"Calm down, dude. I was coming and along the way I met this girl, Sofie. Sofie, these are my friends, Charlie and Brandon."

Sofie didn't say anything, while Charlie explained their previous encounter. To which Kyle responded:

"What, really? When I met her, she was sad, treating a hurt Totodile. She was talking something about quitting her job, never thought it was something like that. Still, she seemed nice, why don't you give her the benefit of doubt?"

"Man, are you crazy?! She's a robber, a criminal!"

"Calm down, Brandon, he's right, she did seem slightly off."

"Alright. Let's try to talk to her and... where the hell is she?"

They noticed Sofie had left while they talked. After Brandon checked if she had taken anything, which she didn't, they decided to go to the gym after resting. On the way, Kyle seemed annoyed.

"Kyle, what's the matter?" Brandon asked.

"Not much, I thought we had a new companion." he said, sadder than usual.

"Sounds to me like someone has a crush on someone."

Kyle didn't respond, confirming Brandon's theory. After getting to the gym, they went to the leader, Marla.

"You want a battle? Sorry, I just lost one, and need to rest my pokémon. If you want, you can come back tomorrow."

"To who did you lose?" Kyle asked, having a slight suspicion.

"Some pink-haired girl, about your age."

"Know where she went?"

"Said something about going to the Battle House, why?"

"She's a friend of ours. Thanks."

They then left for the Battle House. 

On the way, they found Sofie. Kyle ran up to her.

"Sofie, what's wrong, why did you leave."

"I quit my job, as I told you, but doesn't change what I did to many people. Them being my latest victims."

"Don't worry about that, they forgive you, right guys?" He said, glaring at Brandon specifically.

"Yeah, why not?" 

"Either way, I need to get stronger, the other guys will come after me, they don't like quitters."

"Why don't you do so with us? You get training partners, good company, and protection."

"I'd rather not drag you into this."

"Come on, pretty please, we love getting dragged into other people's trouble."

Brandon was about to say something, but Charlie stopped him.

"If I join you will you stop annoying me."

"About this, at least."

"Then fine."

Kyle was barely able to hide how happy he was. The four went on in the front, the girls in the front getting to know each other and Brandon in the back mocking Kyle.

"How about you stop this, as far as I know you also have a crush. Would be quite embarrassing  if someone told her about it..." Kyle said menacingly.

"Message received."

They then arrived at the Battle House. 

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