Chapter 6: Brandon's 1st Gym Battle

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 Brandon's strategy revolved around using his Togepi, since his Abra only had Teleport. 

Marla, meanwhile, used her Beedrill.

"Togepi, use Pound."

"Beedrill, dodge and use Poison Sting." It hit and poisoned Togepi.

"Togepi, use Life Dew."

"Oh no you don't. Beedrill, Twineedle."

"Togepi, dodge." It failed, and fainted after receiving the hit.

"Very well, you lose. Come again when you're ready."

"Damn it." Brandon said, walking off extremely angry.

"Charlie, why don't you go after him?" Kyle recommended.

"Why me?"

"You've known him for longer."


Soon she caught up with him.

"What?" He asked.

"Really, just "what"? No hello or anything?"

"Sorry, I'm just annoyed."

"No, you're always rude."

"Thanks for comforting me." He said, and then continued walking, with her chasing after.

"You lost, what's wrong with that?"

"I'm the only one to lose, I need to train."

"Why don't I help with that?"

"Fine by me. I'm going to the Battle House."

Soon she asked:

"Why are you so rude all the time?"

"Not much other than what you deduced, being isolated at home. Kyle also had a problem, he studied too much without interacting with other people. As for you..." He was saying when she cut him off.

"I was perfect." She said confidently.

"Sure, if you say so..."

After they arrived, they were looking at the selection.

"Which tournament do we participate in?"

"This one, I want the prize."

He also went to the mart to get an Exp. Share, intending to train his Abra while Togepi fought.

The tournament was a duos Battle Royale. In other words, a free for all, where the last team standing won. It started well, with Brandon and Charlie beating whoever came close. Until the others noticed them in the corner and surrounded them.

"Charlie, here's the plan..." He whispered to her.

"Got it. Bulbasaur, launch a series of Leech Seeds." As it launched them into the air, the others were running around avoiding them. After they were distracted enoguh, she said:

"Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip to carry Togepi around." Bulbasaur grabbed her and dragged her around the field.

"Togepi, Sweet Kiss anyone who comes close." After doing that, most pokémon were confused.

"Bulbasaur, Poison Powder." Soon the pokémon started falling on eby one. Their trainers tried to order them, but the confusion stopped them. Until, at the end, there were a few problems Brandon had not taken into account.

"Oh no." He said, looking at the amount of Poison and Steel types surrounding them.

"Brandon, what do we do now?"


Until another trainer said: 

"Duraludon, use Breaking Swipe on the crowd." He knocked everyone out, showing his strength. Only Brandon, Charlie, and him were remaining.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I hate cowards, would rather have a fair battle. We're the only ones left, so let's finish this."

"Speaking of fair, where's your duo?"

"Fainted. On the other hand, my Duraludon is level 25. So it's more fair this way."

"Fine by me."

"Bran, we're in trouble. All of Bulbasaur's moves are not very effective, if they even do damage, and Togepi's only attacking move is bad."

"At least Togepi's a Fairy type, so his Dragon Moves will not hit."

"Duraludon, Hone Claws and Breaking Swipe." He did so, and was charging for Bulbasaur.

"Togepi, get in front." She succeeded, defending Bulbasaur.

"Attract." Duraludon was now in love. 

"Duraludon, Rock Smash." He hit Togepi, though weakly.

"Bulbasaur, tie him up with Vine Whip".

"Togepi, Sweet Kiss." After doing so, he was now confused. However, he was breaking free from Bulbasaur's Vine.

"Life Dew." The heal gave Bulbasaur energy to keep him tied.

"Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf." The attack didn't do much but get Duraludon tired. He soon broke free.

"Duraludon, Hyper Beam." Duraludon used the attack but missed, and had to recharge.

"Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf inside his mouth." The attack left a small cut.

"Togepi, Pound his leg." He lost balance.

"Duraludon, Hyper Beam again." As he was charging the attack from his mouth, as his legs were too short to charge it, the attack did not launch, but exploded because of his hurt mouth. Duraludon was knocked out, Brandon and Charlie winning.

"Yes, we did it!"

"You sure did... let's battle again someday." The man said.

"If we meet again, sure."

"Don't worry, we will." Upon saying that, he left, leaving an air of mystery as to what he meant.

"Here's your prize: a TR11 for Psychic."

"Abra, come out." After leaving the ball, the TR was used and broke.

"Now you're strong enough to fight."

"Do you plan on using him for Marla?"

"Of course. His typing's good, and now he has a great move."

"Nice. I'm going to the Pokémon Center, you?"

"Gonna train a bit more."

"Ok, bye."

"See you later."

After training Brandon came back, confident he would win.

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