Chapter 4: Battle House

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"What do you mean we can't participate as a team?" 

"As I told you a few times, you are 4 people. We host tournaments for Singles, Doubles and Triple battles. So either choose one or go away."

This had been going on for 15 minutes. Brandon was starting to get annoyed at Kyle and was about to yell at him when Charlie intervened:

"Why don't we take part in the Double battle tournament."

"I call Sofie." Kyle said, far too excited. 

"All right." Brandon said, knowingly.

When the girls went to the registration table, Kyle whispered to Brandon:

"Ok, I got you Charlie, don't embarrass yourself."

Brandon didn't answer, simply grinned gratefully.

The girls came back and told the guys about the rules and prize. Each duo would face 2 others per round, those with most victories would advance to the next. After the 3rd round, those who lost were eliminated. Last team standing wins a mystery pokémon.

When the tournament started, the two duos staring winning rapidly. Brandon and Charlie won against two bug catchers, then against two guys with Magikarp, then against 10 students from a school trip. As for Kyle and Sofie, they were hitting every team that came witout getting hit, so they didn't have time to notice their opponents (Sofie did most of the work, of course).

After some time, the semifinals came. Brandon and Charlie won. As for Kyle and Sofie...

"Totodile, Bubble".

"Mareep, Thundershock."

"Dugtrio, Tri Attack".

"Hypno, Hypnosis".

They had no chance. The other team had two fully evolved mons, working perfectly in sync, one capable of handling both at once and the other providing support. Charlie and Brandon were worried, of course.

"What are we going to do, Bran?"

"Don't worry, I have a plan." He said, taking an item out from his bag.

Meanwhile at the exit, Kyle was sulking.

"Sorry we lost, Sofe, it was mostly my fault."

"Stop crying, we lost, not you. They were stronger than us, that's all."

"Still, I let you down."

"Would you stop sulking like a baby? Let's go to the audience to watch Bran and Char's battle."

About 20 minutes later, the match started.

"Alright Char, remember the plan. Togepi, Pound".

"Dugtrio, dodge". To do so, Dugtrio dug into the ground.

"Bulbasaur, Vine Whip into the hole."

"Hypno, Psychic". Bulbasaur took extra damage because of its poison typing, and didn't manage to hit Dugtrio.

"Togepi, Life Dew." Togepi had learnt this move after getting experience from battling in the forest and previous matches. As such, it healed Bulbasaur.

"Dugtrio, Mud Slap." 

"Togepi, dodge and use Sweet Kiss."

"Hypno, Hypnosis." Just as Togepi was getting close, it fell asleep.

"Dugtrio, Dig." He hit the sleeping Togepi.

"Togepi, use Attract." Togepi then woke up and used Attract, which had been taught using a TM Brandon bought.

"How did it wake up so fast?!"

"Simple, it never fell asleep."


"Yeah, she secretly used Attract on Hypno before, after using Life Dew, so it's Hypnosis was weaker".

"Dugtrio, Tri Attack." The angry trainer ordered, but the pokémon, in love, refused.

"Togepi, Sweet Kiss." 

"Dugtrio, Mud Slap." Each of Dugtrio's heads stopped to think. If there were his loved one and her friend, there are few options on who to hit. So one of Dugtrio's heads hit another, who didn't move, and the other hit Hypno.

"Bulbasaur, Poison Powder."

The two pokémon slowly fainted, landing Brandon and Charlie the victory.

"Yes, we did it!" Said an excited Charlie, hugging Brandon, who did not complain.

"Good work kids, here's your prize."

"Brandon, you should have it, you only have 1 pokémon, and did most of the work."

"Thanks." He then opened the ball. 

"Ooh, an Abra. Here's your new friend, Togepi."

"Congrats guys!" came Kyle and Sofie.

The four then left, going to the Pokémon Center to rest for the gym battle the upcoming day.

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