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I stare at the bag, speechless. Part of me felt that leaving was the best thing to do but the other part of me tells me to stay, I try to resist the urge of taking the pills and swallowing all of them just because I miss the feeling they gave me.

"Are you gonna take some? Damn." Ryder opens the ziplock grabbing two bars and hands them to me. "Jesus fucking christ Vera take the pills." I'm not sure where the sudden aggression came from or why he felt the need to become aggressive. I look over at Nico who's watching from a distance, did he know about me getting out of rehab? I mean, I would've thought Ryder would tell them right after I left. I stick my hand out and open for Ryder to drop them into my hand. He takes three and swallows them with no problem, oh what have I got myself into?
After swallowing my pills Ryders mood switched back pretty fast, I think he may have already been on something before I came what exactly was it? I'm not too sure.

Not too long after taking the xans I start feeling dizzy. I set down on the ground and rest my back against the bench, although it's extremely uncomfortable it's better than feeling like I'm about to lose balance and fall backwards off the bench.
Ryder seems perfectly fine, skating with Nico. His skating is a bit off but other than that you would never guess he's actually on drugs.

He turns and looks at me catching my glance once again, I have a staring problem. He walks towards me pulling out his pack of Marlboro cigarettes and hands me one.

"Here." He hands me a lit cigarette, as I'm reaching for it I notice how shaky his hands are.
"What else are you on?" Ryders eyes meet mine again, he glares and rolls his eyes before turning away mumbling "Fuck off." Ugh what a bastard. Stupid, hot bastard.

I look at my wrist imagining a watch being placed on it. I wish I had my phone, I'd be occupied. I'd call Kohen to pick me up, hell I'd even call Flynn.

"Vera!" I look up at Nico who's standing right in front of me. How long has he been there?
"Fuck I've been calling your name for like five minutes. Ryder and I were gonna head over to his place, gonna have a kickback with the guys. You should come." I won't pretend that I knew what he said
"Please don't tell me I have to walk, I-i can't."
Nico chuckled, grabbing my forearm and helping me to my feet. "No you're good, I drove here. Need help walking to the car?" I nod my head, no longer able to speak anymore. I don't have the energy, I hear Ryders footsteps behind us and now I'm thinking about why I'm getting into a car and going to a place with two people I just met yesterday. I don't think I'm oblivious to real world situations but in this very moment I could be in a kidnapping situation and not even know it. I trust them, I think.

Nico helps me into the passenger seat of the car, Ryder taking the back middle seat. I'm glad it's not Ryder driving. I start to dose off, now relaxed that I have a comfortable seat to be in. I can't focus on anything around me, the cars going past in a blur. All the sound has faded away and I hear a very faint buzzing noise.


I wake up in a coat of sweat, I'm not sure how long I was out for but I'm now on a couch in a empty living room, the lights are off and I only hear noise coming from the balcony outside. All backs turned away from me. I lift my body up and make my way to the balcony, sliding open the door. All the guys stop and turn to look at me. Ryder breaks the silence first getting up from his chair and nudging me to take a seat. I sit down on the chair but before Ryder walks away I grab onto his hand. "Can I like get some water? Please." He nods his head, heading back inside. Leaving me to be with the guys. I notice Aramis from yesterday, Nico and another guy who's name I don't know.

"You uh, passed out in the car so Ryder and I brought you up." Nico speaks out, I quietly thank him embarrassed that I probably made a fool out of my self. Ryder comes out with a tall glass of water and I immediately down it, now feeing a bit more refreshed. The guy who's name I still don't know laughs and leans forward. "Damn Ryder what'd you give her?" Me? Water, I just asked. Unless he's talking drug wise, I'd like to know too because they fucked me up slightly more than what I was used to.

DREAM STATE // Ryder Mclaughlin EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now