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I spent the last five minutes telling Molly about my eventful 24 hours plus an extra five after begging Rebecca to let me stay a little longer.

"So basically this super hot skater boy randomly asked you to smoke, asked for your number and then forced you into doing xans? Sounds like a Wattpad fictional story if I'm being honest." (Hah)

"Okay he didn't force me, I swallowed them all on my own." I put my hands up in defense, I mean yeah he gave them to me knowing that I literally just got out of rehab but like Nico said, I was able to say no.
"Don't get into some fucked up shit Vera, you see me and you know how my story goes. Don't end up back in here."
I roll my eyes at Molly, no way in hell will I ever end up back in rehab. It was like pure torture, and I really missed my bed. 
"Miss Vera, your time is up. You can come back tomorrow." My eyes meet Rebecca and I give her my best puppy dog eyes look. "Don't look at me like that, I've already broke the rules for you. Go home."
I nearly gag when I hear the word home. I despise that word more than I despise Flynn.

"Okay fine, Molly until next time." I give her a hug and put my hand up to my ear mouthing "Call me"  Knowing damn well that I wouldn't even be able to pick up because my dad took my phone.
I stride passed Rebecca flashing a smile even though I am slightly a bit annoyed by her.
"Until next time, Rebecca?"
"Girl if you don't go home, I will call your father."

And that was my queue to leave.

I creep in through my front door, quiet as per usual just so my dad or Flynn don't hear me.

Tiptoeing up the stairs and passed Flynn's bedroom and sneak into Kohen's room and find him passed out in bed. I spot my drug test on his desk with a note attached to the top.

Vera, this is a one time only occasion. Be smart about the decisions you make.
                            Love, your fav big bro

One time occasion my ass. I grab the drug test and sneak back out of my room and just when I think I'm about to get away with this I see Flynn step out of his room.
His eyes drop from mine, to the door behind me and then the drug test in my hand.
"You two are just absolutely ridiculous. You've been out for not even two full days and you're already using Kohen to take your drug test?"
"Uh no? I took this earlier when we were out at breakfast, he just brought it back for me since I didn't come home stupid." Nice save Vera, he totally bought that.
"I'm totally not buying that." Well shit.
"Well I'm not sure what to tell you Flynn, stop trying to see my downfall and leave me alone."
I walk passed Flynn making sure that I do purposely bumping into him which causes him to take a step back.
I head downstairs to my dads office and set down the drug test. I hope that this will make him ease up on me when he sees that this drug test will be passed. Unless Kohen is secretly a user but I'm 99 percent sure he's not.

I run back up to my room locking my door with the chair, once again pulling my phone out from underneath my pillow and see a few more texts from Ryder.

come over tonight
the guys are gone so you don't have to deal with olan or nico

I roll my eyes, Nico definitely was not a problem.

nico was fine. an angel to say the least
  olan is something else. what's his hair care secret?

come over and i'll tell you

                        wish i could but my dad would have      
        an aneurysm. my windows open though. can u

DREAM STATE // Ryder Mclaughlin EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now