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I unplugged my headphones from the outlet on the bike stand and was about to lay out on the floor when I got a new text. Who texts me at 2 am?

-Hey you awake?

-Yeah Prince are u awake? O.o

-No rehearsal tommorow wanna talk?

-No. No calls today sorry.


-I'm in the hotel gym working out.

-Oh. :( Is there a lot of people in there?

-Nah. Just an old couple, but I think they're ganna leave soon.

-O. Cool. Well goodnight, see ya at next rehearsal. Call me if you need me.

-K night.

I layed down and put my phone beside me. I bent my knees and started to do situps. I closed my eyes and got to 33 before I almost pee'd!

"Hi!" Cold hands grabbed me!

He kissed my cheek and then went by my feet to hold em down. I went up to 70 and stopped because of the burning sensation in my stomach. I sat up in time to see the old couple approaching us.

"Excuse me." The lady said.

"Are you two a couple?" The old man asked.

Well technically it's past midnight so it's day 8 now. I wonder what he'll say.

"Yes sir. This is my girlfriend." He proudly said.

"Take good care of her son. You don't let the good ones go." The old man wrapped his arm around the old lady and they walked off.

Awww! They were too cute! I smiled when Princeton looked back at me.

"I'm your girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Let's go tell people!"


When I stood up he did too, and put his hands out awkwardly behind his back.

"Piggy back ride?" He offered.


I put my headphones around my neck like a scarf and held my waterbottle. Then I jumped on and he carried me with such ease I felt like I should gain a thousand pounds. His arm muscles are so big! I stared at them as he walked and hoped he didn't notice.

Princeton Can We Be Single Together?Where stories live. Discover now