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He slid the key card through the proper slot in the door and I held on tighter and tighter as I got more scared.

"Chill Mimi."

Wow. He hasn't called me that since the last time we dated. He pushed the knob and I closed the door behind him. When he walked into the room Ray, Roc, and Prod were sitting on a bed playing cards and Kiesha was sitting on another texting. Everyone looked at Princeton and then there eyes moved slightly upwards to see me.

"Kiesha, Prod, Roc, and...Ray Ray. This is my girlfriend Michelle!"

"What!?" Kiesha yelled. "Princeton put her down we need to talk now." She said angrily.

I got down and he kissed my cheek and went to another room with Kiesha. She closed the door so none of us could hear. I stood awkwardly by the door waiting, not sure what to do. I heard both Prince and Kiesha yelling...about me.

"Some random girl!? You've only dated 7 days!? Your older than her!?"

"I like her! She likes me back!" He argued.

There was more yelling before one thing made the room quiet.

"Kiesha! She's...AMBER!"

WTF? My name is Michelle. Who is Amber? The door flew open and Kiesha ran at me.

"It's so nice to meet you!" She yelled, squeezing me in a hug.

"Nice to meet you too!" I told her, just as excited.

"I wanna hug Princeton's cute girlfriend!" Roc said. He jumped over Kiesha's bed and landed with a big boom. Kiesha glared at him and he aplologized. He really did hug me. He walked past Kiesha and gave me a friendly hug.

"Your hair smells like Strawberries!" Roc announced.

"My turn!" Prod said. Ray was already getting up too.

Princeton pushed Roc away and grabbed me. He wrapped his arms around me like I was a big Teddy Bear.

"Only I can touch her!" He said in a creepy voice "My precious!"

The voice creeped me out, but I didn't pull away. I love his hugs. Everyone looked at us like we were insane, but Prince couldn't see their faces, only I could. When he let me go he still held on to my hand and we sat on Kiesha's bed. At first the three of us talked together, then Prince joined the other boys in a game of gold fish.

Kiesha asked me lots of questions, like how much did I like him, why did we break up, and when she asked me if I was using him for fame I laughed. I'm not the kind of girl she thinks I might be, It's funny to me because she's so lost! I've been "dating" Prince for 3 months up until our breakup. If I wanted attention I could've tweeted pictures, screen shotted personal conversations, but I never did any of that because I really like him. I don't just like him. I like like like him.

At 4am Prince walked me down the hall to my room because I finally felt tired enough to admit I wanted to leave. He held my hand as we walked me to my room and there was little distance between us. No more secrets, no more hiding, a real relationship.

"We're ganna be on 106 tommorow for tour promo."

"Oh cool!"

"You might wanna watch, I'm sure our relationship status will be questioned." He winked.

Oh ok, so that means he's ganna admit that he has a girl!? Heck yeah I'll watch it! I'll record it and put it on YouTube! JK...

"Goodnight girlfriend."

I laughed at how dumb, yet sweet he sounded. "Goodnight Boyfriend."

"MiMi...uh, I feel like I have to ask now cuz I feel like we commit too much PDA, but can I kiss you?"

Again I laughed at his sweet stupidity. "Yes you may."

He kissed me again, for a longer time than ever before. When we heard voices and footsteps he didn't feel the need to stop. We finished our kiss and a group of dancers gasped.

Princeton waved. "Goodnight guys. Just kissin my girlfriend."

I hit his shoulder. "Princeton! Stop." I felt my cheeks get warm, am I blushing?

The group of female dancers squealed and giggled as they ran down another hall to get the there rooms.

"I'll see you when we get back." He told me. Then he grabbed my hand and looked me in my eyes. "Try and miss me."

"I'll think about it." I said with a smirk.

"Ok. Think hard."

He hugged me and walked back down the hall.

"Goodnight Beautiful!" He yelled without turning back so I could see his face.

I was so embarassed that I quickly slid the key through the slot and ran inside. What if someone woke up and came out yelling!? is Princeton. He doesn't care. I'm excited for 106, but right now I'm more excited to sleep! Kayla layed in her bed snoring as usual. Dang! She slept the whole time since I went to work out!? Awkward.

I crawled into bed, didn't even bother to put my phone on the charger and pulled the covers over me. Goodnight. A good night indeed.

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