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We've been touring for three weeks now and have done 18 shows. I miss my family and Princeton and I haven't seen each other very much besides when we're on stage together. I spent all my time dancing, rehearsing, eating and sleeping. Kayla's dating another dancer now, my friend Chris and they spend every waking second possible together. I can't blame her, if I could be like that with Prince I would be.

I was sitting in my bunk staring at a drawing a fan had given me. It's a cartoon version of Princeton and I holding hands and we have on matching peace sign shirts. When we had our show in Atlanta I was rushing to get on the bus and a crying girl stood out to me. For just a second I approached her and she gave me two papers with an identical drawing.

"Please! I love you both so much please make sure Princeton get's one!"

"I will. I promise!"

Then dancers came up behind me and eveyone was shoving. Kiesha gave him the drawing not me, because we weren't ganna have time to see eachother. MB is on a different bus, traveling at a different rate. Us dancers have 2 seperate busses, both mixed of boys and girls, but our bunks are in seperate areas.

We stop sometimes to eat at places, such as IHop, Burger King, and Wendy's, but MB never comes. Whenever we stop I sit quietly and eat, watching Kayla and Chris flirt, they are so cute! They're about the same height, both have brown eyes, and a light skin tone. Kayla's hair is light brown and his is dark black. You just look at them and you can tell that they're together. They have the same sparkle in their eyes and get shy around ech other too. Ugh, I want that.

I studied the only picture on my bunk wall and imagined being in the picture, Princeton and I holding hands as we sat on swings in some park. Man this girl can draw, I hope we see her again. When we finally made it to the venu in Philly we all grabbed our phones from a bucket as we got off. We're not allowed to use it on the bus, because Kiiesha doesn't want us sending out pictures or telling people where we are. Once we arrive at a venu we can text, call, and tweet all we want because fans can know we're at the concert location.

It's still early,10:00am so when we get inside we go to catering! I sent my mom and dad the routine text. I mention what state I'm in, how I'm feeling whether or not I've slept well, blah blah blah all that stuff parents care about. I don't call them anymore because I can't handle talking to then for 10 minutes and then hanging up, I miss them too much. I walked with Kayla inside the building, other dancers came out of the other bus. A guard/ tour guide let us know where everything was and we all went to catering.

I grabbed an ice coffee from the cooler and heated up two Chocolate Chip Poparts. Kayla soon ditched me for Chris and I took a seat at the long table. I nibbled on my poptarts and sipped my coffee, I ran out sooner than expected and got up to get another. My hands searched the cooler and I jumped when I suddenly went blind.

"Guess who." Warm hands covered my eyes.

"Hmmm." I wanna have some fun... "It's Jacob Latimore!"

"No." His hands dropped from my face and he looked angry.

I grabbed his hand and played with his finger. "You're so cute when you get mad."

"Yeah whatever. Let's go."

"Go where?"

"A surprise."

"Ok, can I grab my food first?"


"But, but I'm starving."

"Oh well."

I frowned and he pulled me along. We walked right out of the room and down the hall that the tour guide said leads to the stage.

"You trust me?" He asked.

It's Princeton for crying out loud! He's full of surprises. "I guess so."

"Close your eyes."

He took my hand and pulled me along. A heavy door opened and he rushed me through so it wouldn't hit me when it closed. We went up some stairs and he walked slower.

"You can open em."

He walked ahead of me and sat on the edge of the stage. It's so beautiful and big! The floor is shiny and the seats are a pretty blue. I sat beside him, two McDonald's bags in between us and two soda cups.

"It's not much, but I promised we'd do it right this time, I know it's hard being away for so long I just wanted ro do a little something to make you smile."

"It worked." I said smiling, then I took the bag closest to me and pulled out a chicken biscuit, my favorite.

I'm beyond happy he did this. We ate slowly, enjoying the flavor of the hot food and swung our feet over the edge of the stage. We threw our trash away and then sat back on the stage. He stared at me for a long time, which made me nervous.

"What're you thinking about?" I asked.


"What about me?"

"How beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have gotten a second chance."

"Oh shut up! And I'm not even that pretty!"

He did a dramatic gasp."You? Not pretty? Pssh."

"What's pretty about me then?" I said challenging him. "And don't say the word everything."

He cleared his throat. "Well I think your curls are cute, you have beautiful green eyes, your lips are adorable and the fact that you don't wear makeup."

"Awww. And how are lips adorable?"

"I'm a guy, that's how we are. You just have lips then when you see then you just wanna kiss em!"

"Oh ok then."

I scooted closer to him and he nervously laughed. "Don't you think we've been kissing too much?"

I shrugged. I really don't want him to reject me right now. It's been so long!

"I miss you." I told him.

He stood and held out his hand. So no kiss? I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. We ran back stage behind the big black curtains.

"Huh?" I asked.

"A guards watching from upstairs. I don't want him watching us."


Then he kissed me, his arms wrapped around my waist and mine, around his neck. We kissed for a long time, I could feel that he missed me too which made me happy.

"We should go." He told me.

"Wah. Ok." He pecked my lips and then we went back to the room with the others.

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