𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘪

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"Moooooom," I yelled trying to make my nose sound blocked.

It was the day of the audition and there was no way that I was going for it. They would have to physically drag me out of the house if they wanted me to leave.

"Riana," my mom sighed, "what have I told you about yelling".

"uh. . .i- I'm not feeling well" I fake rasped and proceeded to start coughing.

My mom gave me a knowing look "well let me go and get the thermometer to check your temperature", she told me and I internally groaned 'why mom whyyyy?'.

Before I could even think of anything else to do two annoying brats cane hurdling into my room. I held back another sigh 'great just frikin great'.

" Riana are you not feeling ok?" My sister Delia asked me, a hint of concern in her soft voice.

My brother Donathan – or Don as everyone called him – laughed out loud "she's putting her acting skills to use and trying to get out of going to the audition," he told her.

"Ohhh of course," Delia said with a face palm, "I forgot the audition was today!" She exclaimed suddenly, and this time I groaned out loud.

"Seeeee . . ." Don said, dragging out the word.

Oh I forgot to mention that the two annoying dumb idiot thirteen year olds standing at the foot of my bed were twinsies. They were identical with their light brown hair and blue eyes – but I guess I also looked like that – but the two of them in personality was like two complete opposites. Delia being soft , shy and introverted. And then we have Don, loud, extroverted and a know-it-all. And then of course you get me that's like both of them mushed together with another six tablespoons of crack.

"I found the thermometer," mum says entering the room and pulling me out of my daydreams of six tablespoons of crack. Nahhh probably more than a cup full. Wait why am I even thinking about this?.

After checking my temperature – which was obviously normal – my mom gave me a disapproving look, " You are going to the audition Riana!".

I pouted "but I don't want toooo".

" well you do want your career to grow, don't you?" My mum asked, and I knew she had me there. Sadly.

"Yeah mum, but I'm still young, I have years ahead of me and I'm only 15 years old", I insisted.

And guess what mum did? She laughed, like actually started laughing hysterically, it was really weird . . .

"OK , its fine, I'm not going to force you to go,but Selina is coming in 10 minutes and I'm quite sure that she will drag you out of here.

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And true to what my mother's had said, Selina had done exactly that,quite literally because I am an extremely stubborn ass that doesn't like to allow other people to get their way.

But with Selina, sadly I can never win, so that is why I was now standing beside Selina and this other girl Ariadne waiting for the results on who had gotten the part for the movie.

I would of thought that it would take at least a week for them to decide who got the part, but they told us that they just needed an hour, so here I was, wishing with all my heart that Selina got the part.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the head producer Erica's voice, " and the part of the main character Eliza goes to . . . Riana Aspen!"

'Holy Crap, no frikin wayyy'  was the only thought that ran through my brain as I kinda completely blanked out.

"Riana Aspen?" Erica's voice cut through my head and I opened up my tightly closed eyes to see Erica standing directly in front of me.

"T-this has to be a m-mistake" I stuttered and then mentally smacked my self, because why the heck was I stuttering, I don't stutter. "Sorry Erica, but I didn't really want the part" I expanded.

"But you auditioned for the part and you got it, so let's go and meet your other co-actors". She told me, grabbing my hand and leading me away. I glanced at a tearful Selina and tried to make eye contact with her, but she turned her back on me and stalked away.

Turning back around I came face to face with the one and only Alexander Becker.

" Hey Selina," he greeted me, with an annoying smirk.

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Heh I'm sorry I took forever with that chap, anyhoo I hoped you enjoyed, don't forget to vote and comment <3

𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ✰ 𝑨𝒏 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 ✰Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora