𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘷𝘪𝘪

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I squeezed my hands tightly together, twisting the ring sitting on my middle finger, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, and repeat, why was I so worried about Alex, I mean ya obviously I seen him faint before my eyes, but I barely knew him, yet I was still sitting here in this tiny hospitals waiting room two hours later.

I don't think this was normal. Probably not normal. Yup! Definitely not normal. But then again I don't think I'm normal,  actually I know I'm not normal. That was obvious! Oh yay! I stopped thinking about Alex because my brain overthinks about EVERYTHING! but oh hey now I'm worrying about Alex againnnn! Great just great!

Suddenly a pretty looking girl around the age of 18 with shoulder length light brownish blond hair ran into the waiting room her blue eyes with panic as she placed her hands on the counter and began asking the hospital lady questions, looking even more worried then I felt.

I watched them talk for another two minutes before the receptionist pointed at me and the girl nodded and walked over to her plopping down in the chair beside me.

"Hi, I'm Elain," she greeted and bit her lip, the nervous expression staying on her face.

I scrunched up my eyebrows,"  hey . . . I'm Riana . . ." I trailed off awkwardly. This was so sad, I am socially awkward yet if I was put in front of the whole world to say a speech I would be able to without stuttering.

"Wow, you awkward," Elain told me, wow OK so she's super blunt, hmm.

"I, uhm I don't really know who the heck you are . . . so yeah . . ." I trailed of again.

"I'm Alex's older sister, she said with a small smile.

" ohh ok that makes sense, Erica said she would call someone I just didn't know who to expect, " I said, suddenly way less awkward.

"Yeah, can you explain to me what exactly happened?" She asked me, twirling her hair around her index fingers so tightly the tip of her finger was becoming purple.

"Well someone was annoying me, and we walked to the park, Alex started looking dizzy and when he started to sway I tried to ask him if he was OK, but he already fainted, luckily we were standing on soft grass so he didn't hit he's head that hard and I managed to kinda catch him, I think," I rambled to her.

"Wow okay," she said, unraveling her finger from her hair, only to grab another piece and start twisting it again.

"Yeah . . ." I trailed off, and we fell into a slightly awkward but comfortable silence, in which I began to overthink again.

I wonder what's happening in that hospital room, is Alex okay? Did he wake up yet? Why the heck am I worrying so much about him? Aaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm dead.

After another five minutes of my brain racing to who knows where, I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and opened up one of the books I had downloaded over there, not even registering what the title was.

When I finally managed to finish the chapter, I realized that I actually hadn't read anything and had just been aimlessly skimming the words over and over again, so when I looked up I was extremely surprised to see that Elain had dissapeared and was no longer sitting beside me.

Quickly I scrambled up and rushed over to the receptionist desk. "Where'd that girl that was sitting next to me go?" I asked frantically.

"Her brother had woken up and she practically flew inside, " she told me curtly.

"Oh, uh thank you, can I also go?" I asked her shyly, why the heckidy heck am I shy? Oh god.

"Ya sure just knock before you go in the room," the lady drawled, slowly. I think she needs sleep or maybe a spa day to relax, hmmm. Ya okay this ladies life isn't my business, why do I have to be so inquisitive? *Mental face palm*

I smiled at her, "OK thank you, but uh what is he's room number?" I asked, almost stuttering.

"Left wing, room 27 opposite the closet," she said in the same boredly tired tone, maybe I should buy her a coffee.

But I just smiled at her instead, whispered a 'thanks' and walked down the hallway towards wherever room 27 was.

As I raised my fist to knock on the door outside room 27 I heard Elain and Alex talking but I only caught a few words of their conversation, " Secret . . . don't tell . . . no . . . Riana . . .". Dude what, why are they talking about me? This is making me insecure? Eh, lemme just knock on the door.

So I knocked, Elain came up to the door and opened it for me, "oh, uh Riana, I didn't know you would come here . . ." she trailed off, looking guilty?

"Now you the one being awkward I pointed out, but is Alexander awake?" I asked.

"Yeah . . ." she said, moving out of the doorway and into the corridor, "I'm going to buy a chocolate for myself," she added and walked away.

I nodded to her and closed to door, walking up to the bed Alex was half sitting half lying on. "Wow! Riana you still here," He told me.

"Yaaa," I dragged out the word, shifting uncomfortably, this was a terrible idea.

"Thanks for uh, bringing me here and still staying after that," he told me with a small smile.

I smiled back, "well what kind of friend would I be, had I not?" I asked him, my smile becoming bigger.

"A terrible one of course," he replied with a grin, and I laughed.

"So how come you fainted?" I asked him.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, and I guess I was feeling a bit weak, and when I hit the ground I must of passed out," he told me, but for some reason I didn't really believe him, not that I would tell him that or anything.

"Oh okay, yeah so uhm I'm guessing I'll see you on set tomorrow right?" I asked him, and godddd why am I stumbling over my words, this was terrible.

"Yeah . . . I'll probably be there," he answered, "wait no tomorrow is Saturday, so actually we aren't going to set," he added.

"Oh crap, ya I forgot tomorrow was Saturday," I answered him with a laugh and be joined me.

"Ok so I'll see you on Monday, probably then," I said, a little too enthusiastically, I think. And I started walking towards the door.

"Wait maybe, uh can, uhm, can I have your number?" Alex asked me, and for some stupid reason I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah! Here you can put your number into my phone and I'll text you," I told him, unlocking my phone and handing it over to him. He quickly typed in he's details and handed me back my phone. I waved at him and left the room.

And that's when I seen the person I thought I'd never see again, at that moment I felt my entire world shift to the side, and my head hit the ground with a dull thud.

I'm sorry I swear I really am, but like this chapter is complete and utter shit (。>﹏<。)

𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ✰ 𝑨𝒏 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 ✰Where stories live. Discover now