I finally found it!!

186 10 7

I know i'm a really good writer so no need to compliment me c: 

I wake up in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock, lying in bed, under my covers---

no wait scratch that...

i found myself on the floor...... under my bed

and that's when i realized........after ALL these years........ it's been here the whole time...

underneath my hairball collection, a bunch of dead cockroaches and a piece of paper clip....

i finally found the dead body i lost 3 years ago!!!!! :D

hmm that must be why my room smells all the time...........eh the smell never bothered me anyway (FROZEN REFERENCE!!!!!!!) 

Shrugging it off, i rolled out from underneath my bed and got ready for school. Picking up my bag i went downstairs to find my dad on his computer. He was looking at a new post on the group he made on facebook about 5 months ago. It was about some obese little boy getting his arm eaten off by savage 8th graders (poor lil kid, how will he maintain his physique now :c). My dad didn't bat an eyelash, but when he looked at the amount of comments on that post (236 comments)

He kept muttering to himself about how people these days don't have lives and how people badly need one blah blah blah blah blah blaahhh

Going into the kitchen to hunt for some food, i grabbed a slice of bread and shoved it into a chocolate spread jar.

No it's NOT nutella (-_-). Sometimes i feel bad for all those other chocolate spread companies because people ignore them. SO RUDE 

I took out the chocolate which had some bread on it and gobbled it up. I walked towards the front door, wiping my hands on a leaf of the potted plant beside the door, (my mom would bite my finger off and plant it in the backyard if she saw me do that) i planned to get to school without encountering that....................

oh no i'm too late D:

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