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The next day.

We woke up to the blast of a horn. I quickly showered and dressed and went out of my cabin. All the other campers were coming out of their cabins single file, all muttering nervously and excitedly. Mary and Tony broke from their lines and came and stood beside me.

"Morning, mate." Mary greeted. She was slowly phasing her accent out, becoming a little bit more American.

"Hey, man." Tony said. "Sleep well?"

"Surprisingly well. You?"

He was quiet for a second then he smiled. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"You hesitated."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

He sighed. "Alright, I did."

"What happened?" Mary asked.

Another sigh. "Well, I sort of got an Iris message last night...from Jaz."

Oh, dear. That couldn't have been good.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Well, she said she was really sorry for what she did. And that if there was any other way, she would've done it. But he gave her no choice. Which doesn't make any sense."

Yeah. If I recall correctly, she did choose to do it herself. Or maybe...

Eh, never mind.

I put my hand on his shoulder as he suddenly developed a keen interest in his shoes.

"Look, dude. I know how hard it was for you to see someone you trusted betray you like that. It was hard on us all too, but I know it was harder on you. I know you loved her. And I am not gonna say something cheesy about everything is going to be fine at the end, because I don't really know if everything will be fine. All I really know is whatever happens, you still have us. Right, Mary?" I nudged with my leg and she smiled at him.

"Right." she confirmed. Then just for the hell of it, she kicked my leg really hard in return, gave me a sweet smile and walked off to rejoin her cabin.

I clutched my leg and bounced up and down, all the while Tony laughing at me. "Girls, right?"

"Tell me about it." he chuckled again and went back to his cabinmates.

The place was almost empty except for a few Hermes kids hitting one another with wet wads of paper. After  they were gone, I readied myself and walked towards the middle island.


When I crossed the small body of water into the island, I approached the Combined meetings building, a large stone building on one side of the river. I guess the combined metering stood for both the Roman and Greek meetings together at once.

I was the last person to enter, so all eyes turned to me when I entered. The place was packed with demigods. They all sat facing the front of the building, an aisle dividing the whole place at the center, one for the Greeks and one for the Romans.

Up front, the senators dressed in long black togas and out counsellors dressed casually sat. The four gods present stood on either side of the room. Two on each side. Zelus and Nike were on the Greek side, while two powerful male and female beings,  Bia and Kratos, I suppose, took to the Roman side. They all looked grim and a little melancholy.

Six chairs were placed in the center of attention, four already occupied by Tony, Mary, Laura and Ron. I rushed forward and sat on one of the last remaining two.

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