social series

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the social series are going to be social media series.

1. wrong number// j.r.a.✓

2. instagram// c.m.b.✓

3. snapchat// z.d.h. ✓

4. prank texts// d.j.s.✓

5. omegle// j.m.r.f. ✓

the books are going to be in that order and one books happens one after the other so like some characters in the first book might appear in the forth book ;)) that's a hint btw.

bye and have a good day/ night/ rest of ur day.


hope ur excited

also I wanna do like a social series with prettymuch but I'm not sure yet.

ok bye fr now


July 13, 2020

wrong number ✰ jack averyWhere stories live. Discover now