Chapter 4 .... Getting closer to Tex.

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After 3 days, Clara visited Lukas ....

Lukas: (receives a text from Kenzie) I better go. See ya.

Clara: bye.

Lukas: (leaves).

Clara: (moves around the house and enters a room filled with a lot of their musical instrument. She sits where the piano was) it's being a while I played this (starts playing and singing).

Tex: (hears someone singing and comes downstairs. He saw her but he leaned on the wall until she finished playing and singing boyfriend) not bad.

Clara: (shocked. She turns and sees him shirtless) em ... (cheeks pink)

Tex: (realize she was staring at his abs) oh (collects his shirt and goes to meet her) what are you doing?

Clara: nothing much just playing.

Tex: and you're using my piano.

Clara: (stands up) I'm so sorry.

Clara: (stands up) I'm so sorry

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Tex shirtless.

Tex shirtless

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Clara .

Tex: (moving closer to her) should I forgive you?

Clara: (moving back) maybe (back hits the wall).

Tex: (close to her) sure?

Clara: (couldn't breathe) yes.

Tex: ok (goes back to the piano) so, what are you doing here?

Clara: I came to see Lukas.

Tex: why?

Clara: we were meant to practice for the solo.

Tex: and where is he?

Clara: he went out.

Tex: suit yourself (turns to leave).

Clara: wait.

Tex: (looks at her).

Clara: can you help me practice? That is if you are not busy.

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