Chapter 5: my first kiss taken.

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Next day; Tex left his school to go and meet Mr. Joe.

Mr. Joe: let me get this straight, you want her to take the test again.

Tex: yes.

Mr. Joe: is she your girlfriend?

Tex: no.

Mr. Joe: cousin.

Tex: No.

Mr. Joe: then who is she.

Tex: she's my friend.

Mr. Joe: friends with benefits.

Tex: (smiles).

Mr. Joe: fine, I'll make her take the test but on one condition.

Tex: and that is?

Mr. Joe: you'll go on a date with my daughter.

Tex: daughter? But won't she be too young for me?

Mr. Joe: no. she's in your school.

Tex: (shocked) in my school. Who?

Emily: (enters inside) hey dad (she became scared when she saw Tex with her dad).

Mr. Joe: that's her.

Tex: (shocked) Emily! You're his daughter.

Emily: yes. What are you doing here?

Mr. Joe: are you doing it?

Tex: (confused. He hates Emily with passion because she is an attention seeker but he couldn't forget Clara's tears and it would really pain him) fine; I'll do it.

Emily: do what?

Mr. Joe: he's taking you on a date tomorrow.

Emily: (shocked) really?

Tex: yes.

Emily: (hugs him) I knew you love me.

Tex: it's only one date.

Tex: it's only one date

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Tex and Emily hugging.

In class ..........

Mr. Joe: please excuse me.

Mrs. Della: ok.

Mr. Joe: Clara after recess come and take the test again. Someone begged on your behalf (leaves).

Clara: Tex begged for me. No wonder he told me to buy contact lens. He's so sweet. Snap out of this! He's three years older than you. I can't date my crush brother even if I did like him (sighs).

She went to take to the test and after school she went to meet Tex. She found him at home.

Tex: what?

Clara: I heard what you did.

Tex: and what was that?

Tex: and what was that?

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